Spring sprung!

We’ve had some crappy April weather, truly. But yesterday it was downright summer-like!  Of course, being New England.. we’re back to the crappy weather this morning but oh, the things are greening!  The garden on the hill is planted, and my new kitchen herb raised garden is planted, with a little mini fairy house and yard in the middle 🌞


Sunset behind peach blossoms last night….

a hike with two of my girlies, accompanied by Leo and Kai….

I try to buy non toxic products and non-animal tested.  Some of the companies I have trusted over the years, I wasn’t aware have been sold out to corporations, and because money is their biggest concern, not our health, they tend to change up the ingredients to cut their costs and boost their profits.  If this is important to you, too… check out this list, and then check their ingredients and practices.

During our good weather weekend I took a drive to a dairy farm that is known for it’s outstanding chocolates… Thorncrest Farm in Litchfield, a family owned small dairy farm operation that makes award winning chocolates.  They ship!  Worth treating yourself or someone you love.  They really care about the humane treatment of their cows -they graze them at night for heat and bug stress relief, and their barn is immaculate.  That’s important to me, too.

Our patio with my new kitchen herb raised garden in the background…

My two little cherubs – a year old already!   Grandparenthood is a wonderful, wonderful chapter of our lives, such a blessing ❤

I hope all is well in your world –  Till soon ……


What a weekend! Family and friends arrived from far and wide to celebrate the union of my daughter and her beau.  The weather was typical New England fickle early Spring, everything went mostly as planned although we had to move the ceremony inside instead of out on the hill sloping down to the water,  because BRRRRR.   We all had a wonderful night under the big top, dancing our fool heads off thanks to a DJ who knew how to read the room, enticing young and old  to join in the fun.   I’ll share more photos when we have the professional shots but here’s a sneak peek.

At around 2 am after everyone had retired for the night… three of us came down with the nasty stomach bug (norovirus) that’s been going around the midwest and northeast.  It was ugly.  Then a day later, it hit the rest of us here on the farm.   Oddly.. and thankfully.. this particular outbreak did not spread to our guests.  Amen for that…. and the miracle that it didn’t hit us just 12 hours sooner.  We are all feeling better after two days of being mostly in bed if not in the bathroom.   Fun times!

Yesterday before the rain I headed out into the woods to hunt the tiny spring blooms I look for each year – they are the message sent from mother nature that indeed the growing season has arrived, if a little  fickle with a bit of back and forth. Winter has been reluctant to loosen it’s Grip!  That old saying is very true though –  if you don’t like the weather in New England, wait a minute or two…   Tonight we expect more heavy rain and some wind.  Having already lost a few of the towering pines at the front of our property, I hope we don’t lose more of them. They were planted at least 50 years ago in rows, so we have a literal pine forest out there that is aging.

The tiny blooms along the trail out behind the farm fields here….

Long spur violet


Trout Lily

And so far in the garden on the hill  we have planted the potato trenches and the garlic is thriving… the warmer days make outside chores more enjoyable and my soul is lifted, face to the …. well not the sun very much lately, but I remain hopeful! LOL.

The Mr. rarely takes time off but this year upon his 60th birthday I told him I’m going on a few adventures whether he comes with me or not. It’s time we expand our horizons at least a little bit and do more of what brings us pleasure instead of nose to the grindstone 24/7.  We’re taking a few days to explore a bit of southern Maine in mid May and I’ll report on that then. I’m excited for a happy change of scenery, a little adventure –  I hope you find time to do the same in whatever way is enjoyable for you –

A delicious salad recipe I haven’t seen before…

This Blackberry Avocado Arugula salad makes the most of fresh produce with cucumber, avocado, hazelnuts, vegan feta and a lime mint vinaigrette!🥗
• 5 cups Arugula
• 1 Avocado
• 1 cup Blackberries
• 3/4 cup Blueberries
• 1 1/2 cups Cucumber
• 2 tbsp Mint, fresh
• 2 tbsp Lime juice, freshly squeezed
• 1 tbsp Maple syrup
Baking & Spices
• 1 Pepper
• 3/4 tsp Salt
Oils & Vinegars
• 1/3 cup Olive oil
Nuts & Seeds
• 1/3 cup Hazelnuts, toasted
• 1/3 cup Feta, vegan or regular

Till soon –





For the Love Of


I love 💗LOVE💗, do you?  And jeez, there just isn’t enough of it out there. In simplest terms,  I want to hope as hard as I can, that love wins in the end.  Good versus evil in all things.  I’ll spare you my outrages because you’re all seeing the same damned things on your screens and in your ear.

Here are some things I love

Grandchildren  – these two are already best buddies and it brings me such joy to be a part of their lives.

I love to cook, to create something delicious my family will enjoy.  I believe there is much important communication and bonding over a good meal shared together. I learned this from the women in my family – my Grandmother Elsie, my Aunt Virginia, my mom.   I believe the effort is so important, to bring the family together to sit down for meals.  I always insisted on it when we were raising our children, even when we had crazy schedules with work and school and sports, etc.   I was surprised to find out many of my kids friends families did not do this, it was actually a rare occasion.

I also love  trying new recipes and eating  those yummy things, LOL.  Hence some extra pounds. I love a good cookbook and  have a plethora of them – here are a few recipes I’ve tried and loved recently from Trisha Yearwood’s second cookbook –

Trisha Yearwood’s Baked Bean Casserole – This can be a side or a meal, it’s hearty enough ( think chili)    link to recipe  HERE   

Now, ham salad usually makes me gag. But, the Mr. loves it. LOVES it.  So when I saw a recipe in Ms. Yearwood’s book and she raved about it, I said to myself –  you know, you oughta just make the effort for the guy, Karen. See if it’s doable.   Welp.  It’s more than doable – I actually love it! and it’s so easy to throw together – so tasty.   Who knew!?

  Uncle Marshal’s Ham Salad  ******************* 

3 cups ground or finely diced fully cooked ham (about 14 ounces)

1 teaspoon finely chopped sweet Vidalia onion

2 teaspoons sweet pickle relish

1/2 cup mayonnaise

Combine ham, onion, relish, mayonnaise and mustard in bowl. Serve salad on crackers or in sandwich.


I also love making healthy food choices to help this aging body.  One of my favorite breakfasts is a simple smoothy, I just throw everything in a blender and drink it up – Spinach, Honey, blueberries, banana, a dash of yogurt, a few ice cubes.  Delicious and it’s doing your body some good.

Who doesn’t love fresh produce out of a garden – I’m dreaming of the bounty we’ll enjoy out of our  gardens this summer, and the kitchen herb garden we are planning to build off the kitchen slider/porch. Instead of walking up the hill to the big vegetable/berry garden near the barn, I can grab what I need right outside the kitchen porch as I’m cooking.  Last year we used a galvanized tub, the kind used for livestock watering, and it was OK for that purpose, but in the ground is better. Perhaps a raised bed.  More on that later.

My recovery from hysterectomy is going well, I love when that happens!  I’m back to most of my regular chores and life activities with the exception of lifting very heavy things. A few more weeks of caution and I’m good to go.

I hope all is well in your world, and that you love on yourself as needed.  That’s just as important as anything else and we tend to forget this, often.


Image by  Jane Newland, an artist who’s work I love 

Till soon –




Gram x2


Welcome Mia Jane!

Now two weeks old, she is my little sunshine alongside her cousin, my little pumpkin.

Being a grandmother is something I have looked forward to and hoped for, and what a blessing  it is.. a whole new chapter.   I am so proud of the parents my children have already become.

Johnathan and I discussing world problems…..

Despite our 58 year age difference, we both came up with the same solution….. baby toes….

Has the Canadian wildfire disaster affected your area?  We’ve had days of grey and orange hazy skies, ash landing on our plants, awful air quality. Thankfully as of yesterday it appears to have lifted and blown off.

My newest painting on the easel.. almost done.  This is a nearby trail at the shore  we often walk.

As for our Stella by the Sea…. we have decided to sell the cottage for a few reasons.  Some days I am good with the decision, and on other days it’s hard to imagine letting it go. We’ve put so much into her rehabilitation.   Our truth is, the care of this farm and the animals who call it home takes a lot of our time and effort and it’s lovely here in summer months. To leave it for the shore frequently is tough due to the responsibilities that remain here daily, and just as important… our family hasn’t used the cottage as much as we had anticipated.  One more thing… I’d like to travel some before I’m too old to do it, and having a second place kinda makes you feel obligated to spend whatever free time you have … there.   A wonderful family wants Stella very much, and I know they’ll take great care of her.  So, I think we’re going to sell to them.  I am so grateful for the time we’ve had down there, and my mom as well.   Onward to new adventures –

wild nightshade at the seawall.


Ending this post with a little gem of advice….  and I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.


Till soon –




Better Together


Do you celebrate Cinco de Mayo?  …The fifth of May happens to be our first date 37 years ago. Holy shit – thirty seven years goes by in a flash.  A lot has happened in those 37 years… mostly good, some great, and some awful.  We have our differences, like big ones..  we were married, divorced and remarried all in our 20’s.  But… we come together in the most important ways and as I get older I value that more than anything else.   As anyone who has lived for a while knows….Life can be hard at times and having your best friend by your side through it all is a lifeline.   Better together.


Speaking of friendships, love and  lifelines… have you read the book or watched Firefly Lane on Netflix?  I loved it, I think in the  series they got it perfect, the love, the laughs, the trials, triumphs, the heartbreak even.  Give it a look or read  if you haven’t already.

I keep glancing at the political news and I just cannot believe all the dumbfuckery, the cruelties, the hypocracies  and the deceits.  Where can the truth be found… and trusted?  Where are the consequences?   And it’s hard to fathom that we don’t have better candidates to refresh our political landscape with something more logical, forward thinking,  honest,  folks with a –better together –  mentality.  Jeeezus, all the corruption.  And  all the old men should just go. Just… go.

I’ve been walking with Kai on local trails, hope to expand our horizons elsewhere in the state soon, the ticks have been brutal already.  I have yet to find an all natural spray that actually repels them all, but maybe it’s helping somewhat.  If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments.  The trails, the woods, the fields, the rock outcroppings, the shoreline… just beautiful.  It’s where I recharge and I love having a dog to share the hikes with, he motivates me to get out there, keep moving.   Better together.

Our grandson is doing well, despite being born so early he is tiny but mighty and growing, thankfully.  Almost two months old 💙 Our granddaughter is due in a few weeks! Say a prayer for a safe and healthy delivery for mama and baby, will you?  To watch both my children become parents at the same time, and us becoming grandparents! (which we just love beyond  description!) .. is such a gift.



I like to make a fruit/greens smoothie at breakfast time occasionally – a favorite mix is frozen dark cherries, a banana, some honey, a handful of blueberries and a handful of spinach.  Delish!  and good for you. Try it!

This farm continues to give me peace as I tend the critters and the barn, appreciate the gardens and walk the fields and give thanks for our journey  to here.

I hope all is well in your world,  thank you for stopping by.

Till soon,


Showing Up

The drought this year has been brutal, hasn’t it?  Our lawns are literally crunchy. Of course this was the summer we decided to tame our back yard garden, tossing what got way too large for it’s space, planting many new perennials and a few  flowering cherry trees.  So, that’s meant watering watering watering,  we are thankful for a very good well here on the farm.  Down at Stella by the Sea, we gave up on any ideas of green grass. I have managed to keep the potted geraniums and sweet potato vine alive and the tomatoes from that little garden have been heavenly.  Up here on the farm, the yield has been.. meh.  And it’s already spent.

Stella tomatoes…

A Stella Sunset taken last night by another photographer with a drone at extreme low tide… where you can walk across the entire cove without getting your waist wet.  The water rises about six feet at high tide, so the boats that use our cove have to navigate when they should  come and go.

Miss Molly is doing very well here with us, she and Lacey are definitely a team now, and she continues to astound us with her navigation abilities.  She knows our voices and whinnies when we come to the barn at feed time, she knows where the gate is and comes right to it to be led in to their stall.  When she wants to find Lacey in their paddock she stands still and listens for the bell tied in lacey’s mane, and walks right over to her, as if she had sight.  It truly, truly amazing.

More wedding photos, the photog versions have arrived….. Indeed the whole darn lot of us had some good old fashioned fun ✨

Mom and my son…. (she was the JP)

Cousins, Me, Sister, Niece 💕


Boyz to Men   –  They all grew up together, went to school together, played sports together, and two have joined the group by becoming family… I just love this photo for so many reasons.

The night goes so fast, as they always do when you’re having fun.  It was something we all needed, and we all cut loose.  It’s times like these that remind us how it feels to be really alive, all in, enjoying each other’s company, casting worries and stress aside.    We definitely showed up.  When you get the chance… take it.

Leaving you with these wise words right here… I am ALL ABOUT THIS from here on out…  So done with the self criticisms, I am so grateful to be here to experience the whole process.    We’re winning, friends….  every single blessed day… we are winning.


Till soon, friends…


Grow where you’re planted

Our garden is thriving, and I have to be upfront and say we don’t do all this work by ourselves here in this big plot – we have help from our construction crew – when work load is slow they help in the garden.

Last night I went shopping for dinner up on the hill behind the house, pulled potatoes and onions right out of the ground,  it’s a beautiful thing…


I made some triple berry jam, throwing some store bought strawberries in with our blueberries and raspberries…

and made my Grandmother Elsie’s BBQ sauce…  she  was an outstanding cook and made some fancy dishes including an incredible roast with dumplings and gravy I have yet to duplicate  and her pies were legendary- but one of my favorites was her bbq ribs – and her recipe for sauce came off the back of a dominos brown sugar box. It’s soooo yum.  The  ribs are first baked for an hour at 400 in Coca Cola – then drain the coke and smother with bbq sauce- bake for another half hour till ribs are looking perfectly saucy baked . This sauce can be used on chicken, burgers, even hotdogs !

I grew up on Staten Island where most of us had postage stamp sized yards …. across the street from an old Italian named Joe. He had the most magnificent tiny garden and each summer he would let me come over and pick a few of the best tomatoes for our family. We would save a few for my grandfather, who thought a good garden tomato was food worthy of the Gods and he wasn’t wrong. Joe would also let me eat the peppers right off the plant because that’s how I loved them most, before they were fried or roasted.
It doesn’t escape me for one minute, how fortunate we are to farm this land. What a treasure it is to harvest dinner from our own hill. If you’re not already doing it, I honestly believe it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself- and it can be a container garden on your deck or herbs on a window sill , you don’t need acreage. It just feels so good to stick hands in dirt, tend plants, reap the rewards- and gives children a quality lesson and skill that’s never wasted in life.
 Think about it… reap what you sow, grow where you are planted, …
Life is like a garden, you reap what you sow… from your own fertile soils, your seedlings do grow ✨

Grab a Cup o’Joe, this is a rambler

So much awful news out there, but as I get older (and older) I’m trying to teach myself the necessary art of looking away.  I really need to, because I literally feel every agony others are afflicted with, the unfairness of it all, the evils and utter bullshit of the world if I let myself dwell.  And then the anger finds a home and settles.   I’m airing it out and letting it go as often as I possibly can nowadays and it feels… freeing.  Politics?  Fuck’em.  I’ll vote, but I’m staying out of the fray because it makes not one fuck of a difference whether I let it stir me up or I focus on more worthy endeavors –  things that actually help others and myself.  Onward.

The boy child is getting married in five weeks!!  We’ve had fun helping the bride plan All The Things, the groom occasionally nods yes or no and made one phone call for party bus service and a trip to the tux rental with his buddies.   The men have it so easy in this department, you know.   We love our daughter in law to be, they’ve been together 8 or so years and she’s really been a part of our family for quite a while now.  Cheers to many happy years!

It’s opening season for Stella by the Sea – the lawn has been mowed several times already, pots filled with geraniums, little garden plot has tomatoes, basil and parsley,  bedding washed, pillows sunned/aired out, refridge restocked, floors washed, bathroom cleaned,  windows cleaned – kayak back out on the wall – we’re ready!   Why.. when we have a big  vegetable garden at home, do we plant one at Stella?…. because it just  always feels to me like a plot of soil needs a patch of garden, no matter how tiny.  If I had an apartment in the city, I’d have plants in the windowsills. But my soul would wither there, I do believe.

Photo courtesy Ben Kuropat and his  drone – he takes amazing photos of our cove.  Out in the distance are the Thimble Islands – Stella is in the little heart outline.

The geese have been marching their babies up and down the cottage community road as they switch from the marsh to the cove, back and forth.

This year for the first time I have seen what appears to be a juvenile Lion’s mane jellyfish – a bit pale in color but behaving robustly, inspecting the oyster beds in front of Stella.  Notice the much smaller variety in the bottom of the picture – there are many in the water this year.

Meanwhile, back on the farm – everything’s blooming! Have you found that all flowering things are extremely lush this year?  The lilacs here in New England are absolutely beautiful.  The wild violets carpet the forest floor, even the daffodils where planted seem to have multiplied heartily.  Our garden up on the hill is planted – the Mr. went overboard with potatoes but.. plenty to give away, right?  Every year we discuss shrinking the garden because it’s a lot of work and so much is given away. We shrink it initially – but somehow it balloons back out.  This picture was taken last week.  Since then, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, oregano have been planted where the ground is bare here and the leaves have unfurled more on the trees.

The goat girls, horses, chickens and dogs  are thriving, all give us hours of work but definitely also the pleasures and therapy  that only animals can bring to our lives.  We nurture them, they nurture our souls.

Kai’s 1 year adoption day anniversary was May 15th – we’ve come a long way in that year.  Kai has gotten me out on the trails again, getting great exercise and building a trusting relationship with him.  He’s gone from practically feral to a wonderful companion – sleeps between the Mr. and I on the bed even – it’s all good.  I find adopting rescues so very rewarding, even when initially very trying.




The girl child and her guy are enjoying their home nextdoor and we love having everyone on the outskirts of the farm.  Chores are shared,  meals are shared, garden produce and eggs distributed.  We respect each other’s privacy and have managed not to get on each other’s last nerve, it’s truly a blessing.  My son and fiance are just over the hill.

My newest painting on the easel is a simple thing, marbles in a mason jar on a window sill.  Still much to get done here,  what a lesson in patience this is.  I’m learning as I go, and I make plenty of mistakes, but the therapy of art is a beautiful thing and doesn’t cost much at all.   I’ve always loved marbles and  glass in all it’s forms of art. I  have an extensive glass art collection I’ll post one of these days.

Trying to slim down a bit for the gown I will wear to my son’s wedding, I’ve been making some lighter, healthier recipes lately.  Here’s one that was a big hit, so delicious… give it a try if you like quiche – farm fresh eggs make it even better.

Onion Mushroom, Squash Gruyere Quiche
Sauté onions in butter till becoming translucent , then throw in mushrooms and yellow squash and sauté till their liquids are in the pan and they’re softened- throw in herbs of your choice- parsley thyme and basil here, salt and pepper, 3 tablespoons white wine- simmer down till liquid is almost gone- Remove from heat. Meanwhile mix together four eggs, 3/4 cup heavy cream, 1 cup grated Gruyere, salt and pepper- place onion mushroom yellow squash mixture in either a prepared crust or go crustless, as I did here. Then pour egg/cream,cheese mixture over it- bake at 350° for 35-ish minutes till done. Yum!

Ending this post with a few words of inspiration below – wishing you well, and thank you for stopping by my little corner of the world.

Till soon –


Catching up…

I miss my blog friends!   Go grab a coffee or a tea or water, which is better for you anyway – we’ve got ground to cover!   I finally have a little time to sit down and read some of your blogs, that’s next, and I sure hope I find you are all well and staying sane.   I stay away from the news more often than not in recent months, just hate to see all the division that continues, all the fake news that flourishes,  makes one long for simpler times.  And so I’m trying to make my times… well, simpler.

The kids living nearby on the outskirts of this farm in their own homes is truly a blessing.  We all stay out of each other’s way enough so that we’re not tripping over one another or wishing to move elsewhere, and yet we chip in together to keep this place running and enjoyable for all. The farm animals are always a source of joy, and also a source of work!

We all benefit from the chicken coop and the gardens – this year the raspberries and blueberries were more than abundant, we’ve got a freezer full. Potatoes and onions are also stored in crates downstairs – (the purple potatoes are DIVINE!) and we discovered this year all the produce loves to live and grow on the hill behind the house, better than the two garden plots we have down AT the house. So.. that’s where we will garden from now on, up on the sunny hillside.

Kai, our newest rescue dog, is doing super!  He went from two years of feral living to completely well behaved house dog in a matter of months, smart as a whip, and just a joy to be around. We take many walks together, kai and I… and sometimes my kids with their dogs too.  Speaking of which – my son’s rottie, Leo, has grown into a bull, a big mush, a little bit of a bully, a LOT of dog to be sure, but a love just the same.  At just a year old, he’s still growing, too.

Stella by the Sea –  Welp, as much as we said we were going to spend a lot more time down there, like maybe even LIVE there a few weekends at least this summer, it just didn’t happen.  The farm and work demands keep us busy throughout the year, but my mom does get to live down there for short spirts of time and we all congregate for dinners, swims, kayaking, the occasional lounging around.  Soon it will be time to pack it all in and close up Stella till next year.  I dread the emptying of the refrigerator – just sayin.


The Mr. and I did manage to get away in the first week of August, to one of our most favorite places, Martha’s Vineyard.  We rented a cottage on South Water Street in Edgartown, an older home with loads of Vineyard Charm.  It was just the two of us, which is unusual, but the slowed pace and not having any particular agenda was nice.  We both came back feeling rested, a much needed reprieve.

With this season comes a renewed interest in fall recipes… this one I haven’t tried yet but I think I’ll give it a go for the Thanksgiving table instead of the traditional Pumpkin Pie, which some of us don’t even like.  (I do!)

Pumpkin Tiramisu from Taste of Home


  • 1-1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
  • 1 can (15 ounces) pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice, divided
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, divided
  • 1 cup strong brewed coffee, room temperature
  • 2 packages (3 ounces each) ladyfingers, split
  • 1 carton (16 ounces) frozen whipped topping, thawed
  • Additional pumpkin pie spice


  • 1. In a large bowl, beat cream until stiff peaks form; set aside. In another bowl, beat the cream cheese, pumpkin, brown sugar, 1 teaspoon pie spice and 1 teaspoon vanilla until blended. Fold in whipped cream.
  • 2. In a small bowl, combine coffee and remaining pie spice and vanilla; brush over ladyfingers. In a 3-qt. trifle dish, layer a fourth of the ladyfingers, angling some up the sides of the dish if desired. Top with a fourth of the pumpkin mixture and whipped topping. Repeat layers three times. Sprinkle with additional pie spice.
  • 3. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, about 4 hours.

  Wishing you all good things this fall, Lord knows we all deserve it!  – Till soon, my dear blog friends –

Every girl’s crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man….

If you’re as old as I am, I’m willing to bet you’re humming that toon by ZZ Top right about now, aren’t ya…


Isn’t he handsome? ♥

Kai and I continue to get to know each other… a few times a week I take just him and leave the others home… to Stella by the Sea where we walk the cottage community admiring the gardens, the shells on the beach, all the new smells.  He watches my every move wherever we go, currently staring at me as he lies in his favorite dog bed, the others all around my desk area in their favorites too.  He got his first bath yesterday and he looks and smells glorious.  I’ve had my moments where I’ve thought –  What the F did you do, Karen?!….adopting a dog that needs so much patience….. but those thoughts are quickly washed away by the feelings of joy when he comes right up to me with his silly grin, when he jumps in the car with the anticipation of the experience of wind in his face, the walk after the ride.   The loving gazes that to me say.. thank you...

My son and his fiance were in a wedding last weekend, and I just loved the whole vibe – a young and truly beautiful crowd, the joy apparent, much dancing and whooping in celebration – As it should be.  We have begun the planning for his wedding for next June – so much to think about, and so much fun to be had.  Love is in the air… and one can’t help but get wrapped up in it and remember those young years full of plans and promise….  ( no matter how that may have ended up, LOL)

We’ve begun harvesting from our gardens – the kitchen garden is producing peas and basil , I’ve got pesto in the freezer already-  the zinnia rows and Tomatoes are not yet blooming…

Up in the orchard the raspberry bushes have lots of berry beginnings, blueberries too… apple and peach trees will bear fruit, potato plants are huge, and I picked the first yellow squash harvest this morning.

We had heavy rains last night and usually at this time of year that means mushrooms in the woods, so I took a gator ride out back and down into it – I don’t dare pick to eat, because I’m not educated in the edibles and poisonous.  But they sure are pretty to behold….

Leaving a recipe here that I haven’t tried yet, but it’s easy to throw together and a combination of things I love, so I’ll give it a go soon – maybe even later today.

Lemon Chiffon Blueberry Dessert

And some sage advice…


Till Soon, friends…