Caught with a hoe.

  Now get your mind out of the gutter.

  Today is one of those glorious weather days when working on the farm is pure bliss. I’m taking a break from the sun and chores to post these pictures.  These are the days I cherish.  Gratitude is the attitude today and I’m soaking it all up, breathing deep.

 Some of you might remember the neighbors in the new subdivision who didn’t like looking at farm equipment two fields over from them, right?… Well, they’ll be looking at a barn full of farm equipment from now on… hope this makes them happy.  They’ve been seen taking photos of our manure spreading and haying tactics.
Below is the foundation for an equipment barn.

 Walter and son have hayed these fields for many years…
they’ll leave us some bales for the horses this year with each cutting…


Foundation for the horse barn – small this time, three stalls and hay/shavings/grain storage room

  Hello, my name is Karen
and I’m a Coca-Cola addict.
It is what it is.

30 thoughts on “Caught with a hoe.”

  1. Karen, I love looking at this day of work on the farm. Such a beautiful place and great shots. I hope your nosy neighbors prefer looking at a barn. They shouldn't have moved into their house if they don't like the view. I would be over visiting you and sharing a coke!

  2. Glad you are having such nice weather for gardening.
    Can't believe the nerve of people complaing about a pretty place like yours ~ city people!
    And I'm with you on the Coke thing ~ I limit myself to one a day and if it can be Sonic coke with vanilla during 1/2 price happy hour it's all the better!

  3. Wonderful photo's, Farmer Karen.

    I used to be a coca cola addict, but now it's crystal light peach tea.

    The neighbors should be so lucky to see your awesome place. 🙂

  4. so because of the neighbors you had to build a shed to house your farm equipment?! and what – they don't like manure spreading or hay baling either?! well, they need to move to the city!!! eek! (or maybe they're bloggers and they were out taking photos to do posts of the local farming activity…) ha!

    enjoy your gardening days!!! summer comes SO quickly (we're in the throes of it already!)

  5. Looks like that hoe was cooperative! LOL!!!

    Oh ya, I remember the neighbors! I think you should stack a HUGE pile of chicken Sh*t closest to them! LOL!! Better yet, mail them some with a one way ticket to the city! Ha, ha, ha!

    I used to be a Pepsi girl myself, back in the day, now it's Perrier ~ by the case load!

    Have a good one and enjoy this glorious weather!


  6. They probably wouldn't know a hay bale, from a hen house! Perhaps you should give 'em something to look at… like a full moon! Bottom's up, lady and I don't just mean the coke.

  7. Super pics!!! Love your top. I have the same one in orange!!! Today was a GLORIOUS day!! Hey is that Jeremy A. haying??

  8. That doan look like no hoe to me-that looks like a rake! And I'm sure the neighbors will be Raking YOU over the coals again when they see what you are up to! There's a house up the road from me that is available-just an offer- xo Diana

  9. Just love the pictures. Is that orchard grass, fescue or what? Looks very nice. Love the gardening pictures and is that your hunka burning love we see working out there?? It looks like we are a little ahead of the growing season than you. I think you all had a good work day. Debi

  10. Boats 'n hoes. Oh wait — that's another blog… hee.

    Looks like you're really getting into this farming thing! Look at that hat.

    And I agree with T — why the hell did these people move to the country if they don't like manure and sheds and barns, etc…?

  11. You're so stinkin' cute with your hat and your Little Miss Farm look. hee hee

    Sometimes you just have to look the neighbors straight in the eye and say, "bite me". Good grief, what's their problem??

  12. I love your pictures. In the "olden days" I used to have to help with haying. It brings back good memories to see your pictures.

    Haha to the neighbors who will now have more equipment to look at!

    You guys are so ambitious with two new buildings going up. That's exciting!

    I'm a Diet Coke addict, so I can relate. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Aren't you so cute with your big ol' gardening hat! I love it! I can't wait to see your new horse barn. It sounds like the perfect size for you and your babies! I can just smell your hay! We rolled ours in the big rolls and I remember jumping from bale to bale! So fun! You just bring back all kinds of memories for me! Have a great Sunday!

  14. Great set of pics Karen!!! I can just see how happy you are!!! Love the big 'ole Garden Hat!! Wish I lived closer….I'd be right next to you sharing that Coke…plain Classic Coke. I, too, am an addict!! There ARE worse things in life.

    And I love the first line. You KNOW that's what I was thinking!! Ha!!

  15. I'm still sitting here, shaking my head over your "neighbors". They don't like seeing farm equipment two fields over from them?
    Get a stinkin' LIFE already! They need to be head slapped until their ears ring OR not fed until they put two and two together.
    They might be nice people…but I doubt it. The evidence is strong against them.

  16. Grandpa used to say, "Some people got nothin' better to do than go around pokin' their nose in other people's business!" Neighbors like that are kind of fun, you get to watch them as they make asses of themselves! Confession is good for the soul Karen, Coca Cola addiction is not on the top 10 bad things!

  17. Oh yes, your attitude of gratitude is catching I must say… and I am drooling over the green tractor!! I've had a love of JD tractors ever since I was 3 and sat on my uncles at the farm… I got a toy one shortly after that and still have it today 🙂 I may have been a farm girl at heart too, I'm just shy 1 farm 🙂

  18. Okay, first of all… that guy is almost stepping on the cute little planty. I hope the plant survived.
    And I do remember your 'lovely' neighbours. Good luck with them 😉
    And I'm so glad to see the footings of horse stables. I feel a hooray is in order! I'm sure it will be a beautiful stable and I'm also sure your horses would love to graze in those fields. I can almost smell the hay. Divine!

  19. Your farm is beautiful–can't believe some fussy people are offended by farm equipment!

    I love Coke too–here in the South all soft drinks are called "Coke"!

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