Charla & Chelsea have left the building!

 Last night I met  Lorin and Lilian at the Durham Veterinary Hospital as they claimed Charla and Chelsea, who were well enough to go home and begin treatment and recovery with their foster moms.  These two women are amazing.. the road to recovery  is intensive round the clock treatment of their skin condition, but the Parvo has been tackled, and they are already eating and starting to put on weight.  Chelsea almost lost her battle, but she got through the worst and survived. Both pups still have sores and raw, agitated skin… but they’ll be fine with the right care.  Sadly, their littermate died at the hands of the initial vet that was in charge of their care.  An article is in the news this morning… see link.
(thanks, Joey, for bringing this article to my attention)
  A big thank you to those of you who are contributing to their care, (see widget on left).  Every little bit counts, as it will cost about $5,000. to bring them back to full health.  Once they are healthy, they will be available for adoption.


14 thoughts on “Charla & Chelsea have left the building!”

  1. That's great news about Chelsea and Charla! Read the article about the puppy, sounds like the vet failed to provide care proper care. Why would a vet do that? We had a vet who overprescribed steroids, I still blame him for most of Ben's late in life ailments.

  2. What a beautiful thing for these women to do! Thanks for sharing their stories with us and I hope that anyone who can will chip in to help!

  3. What a heartbreaking story. What was up with the first Vet? Looking at images like these is so hard, how could anyone, anyone hurt an animal. God bless people who foster and care for animals like Charla and Chelsea.


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