Chester Sunday Market

   Not too far from here is the charming New England town of Chester.  On Sunday mornings from 10am-1pm there is a wonderful farmers/artisan market among the quaint shops and restaurants on Main St.  For those of you who are local.. check out the link for more info…

I brought home a bottle of this delicously fresh Connecticut milk,
along with a bottle of Belgium Chocolate milk…
YUM doesn’t begin to describe it.
and.. I love the glass bottle!
I’m a sucker for good soap..
and so I also bought a bar of Strawberry patch
from this goat soap artisan.
Dog Days women had a booth there too, to raise money for
the next shelter dog adoption event, also in Chester next weekend…
I’ve got some exciting news about that – a really cool t-shirt
that Frasier and I designed to raise money for shelter dogs…
 The little guy on her shoulder is a rescued shelter dog.
We volunteers tend to take home “souvineers”… as we call them.
The produce and flowers were beautiful….
all grown by CT farmers…

…and what I love most about this market…
is the community vibe… it’s everywhere!
Dogs welcome!
 I’de say half the crowd had a dog on a leash.
Very cool indeed. 


24 thoughts on “Chester Sunday Market”

  1. That milk looks really yummy. Oh to have milk in a glass jug!
    the blacksmith and I went to an farmers/artisan market yesterday. We bought Organic fresh dressed chicken! Yummy, When I recover from sticker shock I might blog it. Let's just say we could have had Filet mignon for less.

  2. Did you try out the hula hoops? Just seeing them makes me want to buy one just to see if I can still make it go round.

    So, show us the t-shirt you designed.

  3. Karen- I would have mud wrestled you for those bottles….LOVE them. What a fun festival and it is wonderful that they allow pets to be part of it all. That picture of the girl with the bubbles is so comical.

    I hope you had a great Sunday- xo Diana

  4. I love Farmer's Markets and am fortunate to work at one two days a week selling my art. Such a cornocopia of goodies available. We have a small dairy who seels wonderful milk in exactly the same bottles. Good old fashioned heavy glass ones:)

  5. We often buy some milk from New York State that's in a glass bottle. I really love it that way – reminds me of my childhood. Looks like a fun day!


  6. One of my closest girlfriends lives near a community that looks just like this one. It is one of my favorite places to hang out.

  7. I love those milk bottles, im just not sure if they are glass. I like to go to a local dairy over my way as well, and the milk does taste better to me and I like buying from a family farm. Richard

  8. Nice, Karen……..I would have never imagined that Connecticut could be so homey………always thought of it as pretty citified.
    What a nice place.

  9. Love the milk in the glass bottles, the soap, the vegetables, flowers, and all the fun that goes along with your post today. Loved it, Karen!

  10. I am definitely planning on going! Did you see any yummy organic dark chocolate vendors?? I just love Chester and all it's quaint little shops and artsy vibe!

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