Chick Day !!

You know it’s officially and really truly SPRING
when chick day arrives.
Turkcy chicks!

Auracana chicks… 
This morning I picked up seven new chicks at Lakeside Feed
to be raised and introduced to the girls out in  the hen house
once they’re old enough.
I have yet to convince Frasier that these are not chicken nuggets!
The poor chicks were born two days ago, delivered to the feed store yesterday,
and took another trip home today with me…
quite a lot of stress for a new baby bird.
I settled them in immediately with heat lamp, food, water and clean shavings.
They promptly fell asleep, some while standing…



Joining my crew are two cuckoo marans (good brown egg layers)
two auracanas (blue egg layers)
two comets (good brown egg layers)
and one Rhode Island Red (also a good light brown egg layer)
A sad fact is, not all chicks survive this stressful journey.
My first time around, one of the eight chicks I started with lasted only a few days.
These guys look so exhausted right now, but I’m hoping all will rally.