Chip needs a miracle…Angels, he has.

  This is what horrifies me…. there are people out there who would sit on their hands and watch their pup become more and more ill without doing a damn thing about it.   And then when the situation is beyond the beyond…. they dump him.   This is the story of Chip.   He is now in the hands of Lorin of Dog days, where she hopes to rehabilitate him and eventually find him a forever home.  He is a sweet and loving boy, hard to tell his breed or mix because of the lack of hair…possible lab or retriever mix?

 He arrived the other day, exhausted –  someone thought he was healthy enough to  be neutered and then travel  three days to get to CT  (??) .  He has been to the vet several times in the past few days and bloodwork indicates a LONG road of POSSIBLE recovery, but atleast, no organ failure.  He now knows what it feels like to be cared for and loved, and to have grass underfoot and a bed to sleep in.  Let’s hope he lives to enjoy a normal life.

 There’s a special place in hell for those who torture animals, I can only hope.

I’ll keep you posted on his progress.

 No pressure here, as my blog isn’t about money or asking for it.  The economy sucks and we’re all tightening the belt.   But if you are so inclined to help with Chip’s expenses, even a five dollar donation… a chip-in widget and web page has been set up for him.  It can be found here…  

26 thoughts on “Chip needs a miracle…Angels, he has.”

  1. I try not to dwell on what horrible things have happened to dogs and cats who reach rescue … I concentrate on the fact that dogs like Chip have reached people who will care for them and love them and find them a forever home. Dogs don't hold grudges … they love unconditionally and make human lives better.

  2. Oh Karen my heart goes out to this poor little pup! He's in the best of care now (thank God!) and I'm praying he makes a full recovery… I'm going to his link now…

  3. Two beagles landed at the entrance to our farm last summer, a mom and probably her son. The mom could hardly stand as all four paws had been cut. We have a holding pen for such little strays that wander to us so we can get them the care they need. Most get fostered back out. These two were taken to the vet, cleaned up & given antibiotics. There was a scent in the air of new adventure for which they dug themselves out and headed off again. Best love to your pup and send prayers for his return to good health.

  4. I just sent some money to help with Chip's expenses, and I pray that he recovers to have someone love him enough to keep him safe always.

  5. Seeing things like this breaks my heart. I honestly believe that the punishment for torture, should be torture. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but, with human criminals, I think it's the only thing that will be a true deterrent. An eye for an eye.

  6. I truly don't understand people sometimes…thankfully dogs know how to forgive much better than me. I just donated and hope that Chip will find health and happiness through the kindness of others!


  7. Oh my god…there has to be that special place in hell…oh my god. Just gave all my animals a big hug and told them how much they mean to me…

  8. Seeing these pictures breaks my heart. I will be saying lots of prayers for this guy and all defenseless animals. Hell isn't even a bad enough thing to happen to the human beings (and I obviously use the term human lightly in this case) whom abuse animals.

  9. Karen,
    I donated and I thank you for sharing this story. Hopefully, all those who hear about it will help if they can and PRAY that God may spare this animal.

  10. That just makes me sick! How awful is that and I hate that people can abuse any animal…I hope God has justice for them at the end of their days. xo Diana

  11. these photos broke my heart….

    and for those who torture animals, i hope there's a place worse then hell, where only they are allowed.

  12. I can't even stomach looking, I am just horrified! I can't stand my own puppy whining for a second too long, I have to know if something might be "wrong." Ughhhh, I have no words! Thank god there are angels out there, and you know, I am all about praying for that sweet soul that he does indeed get a miracle!

  13. I already had a sad photographic morning (details later), and this just furthers my sadness, which is perfectly okay. Some things, you just need to be sad and/or angry about. Thanks for sharing, Karen.

  14. This totally breaks my heart. The owner should get treated like that. It is disgusting people get away with this type of behavior. Poor little guy….I will pray he is on the mend and feeling loved.

  15. There was just a story in the RI news last night of two dogs just left behind in an apartment when the owners moved out…until one of the starving dogs jumped out of a second floor window no one knew they were there….Wha???? It is sad to know that there are humans around who are capable of such cruelty.

  16. This is why I have rescued all of my pets since 1992.

    I checked on Chip's donate page and it was 100 percent so I donated to the rescue I got my George from.

    It can make my blood boil if I let it, but some peeps really need to be beat.

    You are good people Karen-girl.

  17. there are no words. I cannot understand how people can treat animals this way. They should be subjected to the same treatment or lack of it, that they have subjected the animals to.

  18. Aww, that poor little dog. Some people!!!!! Fortunately there are also people who do love animals and take good care of them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this little one to make a full recovery.
    Our neighbours have a nine week old labrador puppygirl. Too cute! She came to visit us this morning and the difference between that little, shiny, healthy, bundle of fun and this poor boy is just poignant.

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