A Chipper Chip and a Winner!

 Actually, Chip IS the winner… he is doing fabulously, folks.  Running, jumping, playing, eating, growing a COAT!!!.. He loved my sneaker laces last night… it was so good to see him acting like a puppy.  Lorin is doing a fantastic job with meds and lotions and oils and whirlpool epsom salt baths, etc. etc…. Thank you again for all of your monetary and good wishes contributions. Look what we’ve all accomplished!!!… For those of you who are new, just look to the right and you’ll see where Chip started, at a kill shelter down South in horrible condition.

And the winner of the give-away, via random.org, and I’m sorry but I couldn’t figure out how to post that widget result on my blog… is No. 25, which is a comment left by Cait Throop!!  Cait, e-mail me with your address and I’ll ship it off right away 🙂   I loved all of your responses, what a hoot!   I think it’s safe to say none of us will EVER jump out of a plane or bungee jump.  Ditto!!… I plan to do this again because you guys are so much fun with your answers.

My responses:

1. I’m pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER  drink peachtree schnapps, ever again. Ever.

2. I have a bad habit of worrying, way too much.

3. I never leave the house without my underwear.

4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was ….ummm…. well… I think.. it …was… .maybe
5. If I had a tattoo, and I’m not saying I do or would or will, I think I would put a rising phoenix of my own design with my kids names on the wings somewhere that no one can see it unless it’s intentional.   Not that I  do or would or will.

6. Three things I can’t live without…. My animals,    love,    evidence in the human race of kindess, compassion, empathy.

7. I like my coffee to be a good quality coffee with heavy cream, no sugar… but with Acid Reflux I usually drink honey and apple cider vinegar “tea”.   Yeah. Fun.

27 thoughts on “A Chipper Chip and a Winner!”

  1. Chip is such a wonderful dog, so glad he is growing his coat. He better hurry colder weather is on its way at least where I live it is. I live in southern Ontario, Canada near the NY state border. Buffalo gets tons of snow and so do we. I know it is warmer where you are but he will still need a coat. Thanks for the good news.

  2. Congrats to Cait!

    Chip is looking awesome! I'm so happy that he is beginning to act like a puppy… which means he is feeling better! I love the photo of him all comfy in his bed enjoying his new lease on life!

    It does make one feel good to see so much kindness from strangers!

  3. Congrats Cait! Chippy baby you are cutie face. So wonderful that he is doing much much better!

  4. I am so in love with Chip! He has stolen my heart and it is so good to see him doing so well! I am glad you did the quiz! I am right there with you on the Peachtree Schnapps. I read that and gagged. That was my first drinking experience… enough said. Gag…

    Congrats Cait!

  5. Wow! I was so startled to see my name as the winner, Karen!!! A BIG THANK YOU!! And YAY for Chip–it's wonderful that he is actually acting his age! Puppies should be a little naughty not sick! Very happy to see that his life is improving!

  6. Chip is just adorable! I hope and pray for the day they are all saved and that there is no more needless killing in "shelters"!!!

  7. This is the first I've heard about Chip…poor baby! But I'm so glad that he's doing better. I suffer with acid reflux too…never heard of honey and apple cider "tea"…is that supposed to be good for it?

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