Chip’s happy ending – a new beginning

Some of you have asked for an update on Chip and his new family.  Here’s an e-mail from them and photos  – I’m crying tears of joy. (p.s  Bruno is their other dog. )

I came home early from school (sorry, JV Basketball) so I could look in on “the boys” while Linda was at work. Chip was in his crate, as good as gold, tail wagging as he waited for release. Bruno was pleased I was home early. He was standing sentry – as he always does – front legs up on the back of the living room couch, eyes fixed on the road.

Now the dilemma was: Do I give Bruno his beloved 2-miler before dark (it was 3pm)? Or do I get Chip outside, right quick (bathroom break), and see if maybe HE is ready for a full 2-mile loop? I chose Chip. Bruno was crushed, but stoic.

As Chip and I walked up the driveway to the road, I looked back, and there was Bruno’s head framed in the living room window, as he stood vigil on the back of the couch, sadly watching us and the road.

The temp. was mid-to-upper 30’s and Chip was being good, so we turned down Woodchuck Hill Road and into the Full Loop. Chip was very good on the leash, behaving very much as Bruno does, taking great and studied interest in smells that he paused to investigate along the way. He responded well to me. I tend to say very little on a dog walk, unless I have something to discuss with Bruno, who is an excellent listener. Chip doesn’t yet have Bruno’s wisdom, so I kept my philosophical queries to myself. But I DID utter my occasional home-brewed utterances – “GIT off-the-road” and “UP! GIT up.” when a car approaches. Chip was darned good, and he was attentive.

When he and I got home, Linda was getting ready to take Bruno out for a walk. When they left, Chip wolfed down his treat, his antibiotic (wrapped in ham), and his dinner. Then he went right to the living room couch, where he stood, front legs on the windowsill, standing vigil over the road where Linda and Bruno had just walked.

Chip is fast becoming a family member. And a tip of the hat to patient Saint Bruno, who is absolutely remarkable, as he calmly assumes the role of mentor to his rambunctious protege.

So the family solidifies. I’m very pleased.


  Are you feeling the love here, like I am?  Tears are hitting my keyboard as I type this, and it goes way beyond my joy for this loving dog and his new lease on life. The news out in the world can be so discouraging, and there is so much we can’t fix.  But there is so much we CAN do, even in the tiniest of measures.  Chip is just one dog among millions that need help. Each of you that take the time and make the effort, big or small… to assist a person or an animal in need… you are helping to change the world for the better. Your deed counts.   Just as the  beach needs every grain of sand to be a beach….  Every grain of kindness we impose on this earth brings it closer to the kind of world we want it to be.

Chip on October 3rd visiting the vet…

Chip with Michelle West, Shoreline Vet extraordinare….
Chip with Lorin, his Caregiver and this story’s HERO.
Chip with his new Dad.
Hooray for the Underdog.
And for people who make this world a better place.

28 thoughts on “Chip’s happy ending – a new beginning”

  1. The best Christmas story.

    I, too, am crying. I can't think of a better story to illustrate the power of love. All Chip's caregivers along the way have been amazing. I'm so happy he is with a loving family where he will thrive.

    I have to say, nothing makes me happier than reading a story like this one.


  2. I am so sad that you started my morning coffee off with tears falling into my cup!

    What a story. I am so thrilled that this special boy has a new home and adoptive parents that love him to bits already..amd he is home for Christmas~

    There are some really good people in the world that combat all the uglies…they are among them! xo Diana

  3. The first and last photo of Chip looking at his new Mom & Dad are tear-jerkers… he looks like he is smiling at them!

    I'm SO happy for Chip! And grateful for the many people who helped make this happen.

  4. He looks a LOT like my sweet boy Roy……..that face. I knew he was a pit from the moment I saw him…….and no matter what a bad rap they get, they forget, and forgive the horrible things that are done to them, and they are ready to love you right away……..there is no cap on the love they will give back.
    Hooray for Chip……I am so glad I was able to participate in his recovery in some small way…..hooray for these lovely people who will love him in his forever home, hooray for you Karen, and all the wonderful people involved.
    Yes, we can make a difference. We can.

  5. Thank you so much…tears of joy hitting my keyboard as well. Please, please continue to share Chips life with us. Looks like he will have a wonderful one!

  6. chip's new owners are angels. christmas angels or year round angels, they truly have hearts of gold. i think bruno does, too 🙂

  7. You folks are angels and a perfect ending to what was a very rough year for most. I just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas since I've just published my last post for the year, and i hope 2012 is a better year for everyone. Richard

  8. Thank you for the update. This story was such a heartbreak and now it fills everyone with so much happiness. Thank you for letting all of us help and share in Chip's recovery. He is an awesome dog and now has the family he deserves. Yeehaw.

  9. Hugs to all these specials,four-legged and two- legged both. We all need these stories this time of year,so I thank you for sharing with us.

  10. That first pic, with him looking at his new mum, and then the last one looking at dad, his happy face says it all. I hope they all have many happy years together.

  11. Chip is a very good dog! I'm so happy he found a new home. We read the thing that you guys wrote; that was really sweet. That is a pretty dog.

    Love from,
    hunter emilee mangefrida

  12. I am Chip's new mum, Linda. Chip is home for Christmas, NanaDiana!

    Chip has quickly become a part of this family. I sit down on the couch and a fawn colored rocket comes airborne into my lap and licks my face – This boy is happy! He and I sit for 20 mins at the top of the driveway just smelling the breeze and looking over his new neighborhood.

    Toby and I are not heros, we simply have compassion and heart. We love this little fella we call Chip and he seems to love us, too.

  13. Angels walking among us Karen! You are one of them you know…for all you do…thank you! I am proud to call you my friend! Sooooooo happy for Chip and his family! Wonderful Happy Ending! Wish we could help them ALL!

  14. Every person (and dog) in this story makes me smile and my heart sing.

    Chip looks soooo good, certainly if you compare him to the sad, painful sight of the 'before' photos.

    A happy story 🙂

  15. Thanks for posting this most wonderful story. Dogs deserve so much more than some people are willing to give, and Chip has found an army of people who care. Merry Christmas to Chip, his caregiver, all whose loving hands touched and cared for him and his new found family.

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