Christmas 2015

    There were a few meltdowns and a squabble or two… because I do keep it real here. But all in all it was a lovely Christmas –  some friends and some family – we were here, together, sharing  laughs, enjoying some good food, and many thoughtful  – useful- gifts were exchanged.

      Right this very minute at 7 am on the 26th the mister is  heading outside to take down the outside lights (he can’t help himself).. but I love our tree so much I told him it’s staying for another week. It’s been up since Thanksgiving weekend.   Meanwhile our 93 year old neighbor has just put her tree up with the help of her sons and she will enjoy it through January.   Which camp do you reside in? The early bird or the last minute into the new year Tree People?

      I hope your holiday was a joyous one in the ways that you like to celebrate with the people you care about. May we all be blessed with a healthy, happy, politically and mentally sane 2016.