Christmas at the Farm

Scenes from Parmelee Farm yesterday…
The Chamber of Commerce put together a lovely “Christmas at the Farm”
with  local artisans, vendors, wagon rides, Santa!!…
probably the best Santa rendition I’ve ever seen…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!…..
and I’ll leave you with this…
I hope my friend won’t mind that I’ve shared her living room.
Who wouldn’t love to come home on a cold wintery night and snuggle
up with a good book, glass of wine or cup of hot cocoa..
right HERE…
Those of you with rafters or beams on the ceiling…
isn’t this the most awesome decoration?
You’re thinking of doing it, aren’t ya.
It’s a brand new day, folks –
Make it a good one.

14 thoughts on “Christmas at the Farm”

  1. I see snowflakes in that header! All the images are so beautiful.

    That's your neighbor's house, isn't it? I love it! If I were able, this is the style I would choose. I've always been drawn to it.

  2. The Reed Family was there! Saw lots of familiar faces… you captured the holiday mood perfectly! Love your new header!

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