Cleaning House

      When I started this blog years ago I had many followers because we were doing a major reconstruction of this old house, and folks from all over enjoyed following the process from start to finish.  We even had a person of importance contact us to photograph the house, unfortunately it beared no fruit in the end.  Boy, when I look at that post now, the house was decorated so differently, I guess I like to change it around now and again.   Stella of course was a much smaller scale project.

     During that time, I contemplated adding in “ads”, with the thought that if I were going to spend time devoted to this blog, I might as well make a little money doing it.  But then when I saw the actual ads on my page, I hated the look, the distraction, the noise. The creative side of me was revolted, and so I stripped it all down to bare blog again. Ah, much better.  If you come here now and then, you’ll notice the look of my blog changes frequently.  My creative restlessness is obvious – and it was one of the main reasons I considered moving over to wordpress.  After doing some research, I’ve come to the conclusion  it would just be too big of a pain in the a** to change it over, and I like the idea of FREE with blogger. I just hope Google doesn’t decide to ditch it all some day, now that would suck. 

     What attracts you to any given blog?  For me, getting the sense that the author of the blog is real in their expression of their experiences and what they are sharing is key.  I love learning about regions other than the one I live in, the sharing of ideas, recipes, political exasperations (because lately that’s all there is), gardening and health advice, family values, issues, trials and triumphs.  I like the friendships that inevitably form if you stick around long enough, and it’s a stress reliever in some ways – a creative outlet, a place to share.  My blog face has changed once again, all the “clutter” is at the bottom – blog roll, labels, search box, etc.    When you visit, I don’t want you to be assaulted by a bunch of stuff all at once.  I hope I finally achieved a soothing pallet for your viewing pleasure – if not in my words, at the very least in the visual.

      Because I am procrastinating once again as I glance over my shoulder at the dog who needs walking (actually it’s ME who needs walking) and   I hear the whisper of the laundry pile sitting on top of my bed with a soggy little dog sitting on top of that…  (yep it WAS a clean pile) …. let me share just a few more things with you today.

 Great recipe below  I’m going to make and bring down to the cottage this weekend for the family – because can we all say a collective Hallelujah to the approaching sunny 80 degree temps?  We’re actually going to drag the kayaks down to the waters edge and maybe even get in them for the first time this season….

Skinny Zucchini Casserole

 That’s the healthy part of this  weekend’s meal plan… and this is the other part…

Trisha Yearwoods banana Pudding   because Dang…..

 Now, off to walk that dog…..  Till soon, friends…. thanks for stopping by.