At 50 I’m still learning, still growing up  ( and out, just ask my jeans)… but this, I know, is true – you’re never to old for personal growth.. just have to be open to it.  For me that  means letting go of a few things and owning up to a few others.

        Who among us hasn’t experienced  anguish, stress, anger, disappointment, anxiety, loss, regret, embarrassment,   pain – both emotional and physical.   It’s part of the experience of living, can’t be avoided.  The key is to roll with it, not let it consume you, not let it waste the “precious”…… the time we have to enjoy the things that mean the most.  What that is to each of us is probably very similar even in it’s differences.  It’s the little things, the things we might easily put aside if we let the negatives consume us, that can enrich us the most and help us find balance.
     One of my pure joys –  I take a lot of pictures.  Remember the little boy in the movie Sixth Sense and his famous line….. “I see dead people”.    If you’re a shutterbug, you know what I mean when I say… ” I see Pictures” … everywhere I go.  Meaning, I see things I want to capture, hold on to, stash in the memory file because I love them so…. in the slant of light on fallen leaves… in the regal stance of my dog on a stump in the field…. in the red hues of the trees behind my red horse.  You get the picture

….because she looooooooves her cat. 

                            … I get to walk this lane daily… in all seasons its a beautiful thing…

…these halloween geeks.. I love them so. 

   So go.. take pictures mentally or physically, see the beauty in all that is around you. It’s there in the steam off your morning coffee… in the light slanting through your windows, in the crayon scribble masterpiece your toddler left on the newly painted wall,  in the smile from a stranger just because… in the “thank you” your father mouthed as you turned to leave.    –   CLICK  –