Clowns to the left of me…

.. jokers to the right.. here I am.. stuck in the middle with you.

(you’re humming that tune, aren’t ya)

 Kinda how I feel right now … what with the Hilary/Trump decision looming.  And the kids-leaving-the-nest situation glooming.

 Thank you all for your comments and commiseration and  kind words and wisdom through experience.  We moved my daughter and her boyfriend into their new condo and they are settling in to figure out whether they’re good together for the long haul.  I happen to think that’s a very wise choice.  M and I did nothing of the sort because it would have been frowned upon by his family and he did not want to rock the boat.  So we jumped in with both feet, rocked our own boats dramatically and had a baby a year later.  When you do that sort of thing, you had better hope it was a wise choice, because you could also find yourself looking at the other, saying “WHO the HELL are YOU?”.   And you know.. by then it’s kinda difficult to extract yourself.   SO… I cheer them on and wish them well and miss the clatter of their feet up and down the hallway stairs and the morning chatter and even the bickering when they ask your opinion but don’t really want it.  (That’s one of my favorites).

K’s new kitchen..

     Meanwhile, back at the ranch.. the manchild and his GF went on their first major shopping excursion last night, because they will need just about everything.   I can’t really throw them a “living in sin” party, either… SO….  They decided they really want a new comfy sectional sofa, not the old couch we have in storage.. so they financed it.  It’s his first major purchase besides his vehicle, but a good way to build credit.   Now, this is the kid who would have to visit three sneaker stores before deciding on a pair… even when he was SEVEN YEARS OLD!  I knew what they were in for. … So.. last night while they were out shopping, the text went like this…

Me:  How are you making out?……

Him:  Struggling.
          Sneaker problems.

     Long story short, a couch was purchased in espresso, not the off white they almost got.. because I think I brought home the point that eventually someone with new blue jeans was going to sit on that white couch and leave blue dye smudges all over it, and heaven forbid blue jean baby has a glass of red wine in hand and does an oops…. or perhaps the dog will get into the Valentines chocolate box sitting on the sofa table and smear it all over said white couch while you’re out to dinner with your significant other who PAID for it… the couch and the chocolates…   (I wish I could tell you I’m not speaking from experience.)

  I’m happy for them, and I’m getting used to the idea, and doing what I usually do when I need a distraction.  Spend.   New blue hydrangea bowl on the dining room table, because *s*t*r*e*s*s*

     In the midst of the moving, we’re having some beautiful days… here are a few shots from the garden…

  The pansy pot was found out in the woods, it’s a perfect pansy pot, don’t ya think? ….   Just to give you an accurate picture of ME right now… picture fingers in my ears… singing La la la la la la la.. and just looking around not really focusing on any one thing… because THIS….