Coastal living

 We finally found the perfect affordable seaside cottage!  Taxes are nothing to speak of, maintenance is a piece of cake.. or driftwood… no high insurance rates, right on the beach!

Our cottage is your cottage… feel free to stop in any time, the door is always open!

Seriously, the weather on the coast yesterday was absolutely gorgeous. No breeze, water smooth as glass and a fine haze from the warming water and air that made the horizon blend with the sea in a way that made it almost impossible to separate with the eye.  We took a long walk and soaked it all in….

 Two seals sunning themselves on the rocks….


The best thing you can do for yourself that doesn’t cost a penny is getting out
in the fresh air and taking a walk.  It doesn’t have to be a competition or a strict schedule
and distance. Just get out there and do it as often as you can.
It does a body.. and soul… good.