
Yesterday 50 or so dogs were checked in…
and this morning 50 more will arrive.
Vet checked, papers re-checked…
accomodations in place at a local vet hospital
because it’s too darn cold for overnight tent living.
Thank you Millpond Veterinary Hospital.
General store for fund raising set up
Food delivered
Banners raised..
and my heart breaks…again..
in a million pieces.
I see hopeful faces in wire cages..
skin and bones on some.
One has an acid line down her spine..
where someone thought burning her would be fun.
I want to take them all home, every single one.
I want to erase their previous experience in life..
and let them know there is good … there is love… there is comfort and security.
In some ways this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

If you’re local and looking for a new family member
or just want to support the cause, we’ve got plenty of silent auction items
and the Wigmaster of WPLR is flipping burgers and dogs all day.
There is also a fundraising tag and bake sale and
a new jewelry and key chain line by Nicholas Landon Jewelry.
All sales benefit the dogs.
Branford Elks Club, Montowese Street, Branford, CT
11-4  Saturday and Sunday… SNOW OR NO SNOW.
Wish them luck ~

13 thoughts on “Cold”

  1. So many wonderful faces!!! What you do is wonderful, Ms. Karen!

    You also seem to have a knack for bring lousy weather … First Adoption event…Hurricane Irene. This event … cold and snowy. What's next?

  2. That one on the left in the bottom pic looks like my Roy boy.
    I will never understand how people can do what they do. But I am convinced that it is a direct path, with no diversions, straight to hell, that they are taking. If you can't love these animals, then who are you…..really???
    You are right Karen, taking care of what you can, doing your part, while knowing it is NEVER enough, well, that is the hardest thing ever. I wish I could take half, and you could take the other half.
    Wishing for the best outcome for all of them.

  3. Now you've gone and put tears in my eyes this morning! I can't volunteer at our local shelter because I would leave with a broken heart every single day. I support them with food and donations but I can't do the hands on. I admire what you are doing on a deep level! xo Diana

  4. I don't know how you do it Karen. My heart aches for these beautiful puppies. I wish I lived closer because those first two beauties would be coming home with me. I often think about my Bella and how much fun she would have with more dogs around.

  5. Good hunting on homes. Dave and I are getting ready to adopt Sophie, another Jack Russell. Her "Dad" had cancer and took his life, leaving her "Mom" to do the right thing…find homes for her babies. Always too many needing and not enough givers; bless you for doing what you're doing, Karen.

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