Come sit on the porch….


One of my favorite  pleasures in life is the simple act of porch sitting, especially on a rainy day like today. It’s as if the porch beckons you to just sit for a while, stop the whirlwind that is life, and just observe, breathe, be still.   How often do we give ourselves permission to do so. 

 We had a little porch with a slate floor at the front of my childhood home. I fondly remember sitting on the porch with a coloring book and crayons or cookies and milk, watching the rain come down.  In the early years, the smell of my dad’s tobacco pipe, my mother’s music…usually Kris Krisofferson and Rita Coolidge, or Peter, Paul & Mary… Simon & Garfunkel.. playing inside on the record player. Those songs stay with me today… Who’s to Bless and Who’s to blame…. Silver Tongued Devil and I…  Homeward bound… Bridge over troubled water.. 

 Sometimes we’d have no choice but to watch the neighbors across the way as they sat on their porch… arguing… Joe and Virginia… an old Italian couple who kept a very tidy little house and garden.  They couldn’t stand each other but oh, could they grow a mean tomato.

    So while we’re sitting on my porch, let’s talk.  Thank you all for your very conscientious and insightful  comments left on my blog regarding goods made in the USA.  We’re in a real predicament, we Americans.  I truly believe this is one way we can answer our own problems. The government  and big corporations arent’  going to do it for us, we need to take our own stand, send the message ourselves. Buy American whenever possible, buy local produce, frequent mom & pop shops and restaurants and forgo the chains… let’s just do it. I went to Bob’s yesterday to look for sneakers for my son.  I saw lots of tops I’d like to buy for myself, all MADE IN CHINA.  *sigh*   It’s not going to be easy, but we can do it more often than not. It starts with just one simple act.

  Plans for the next Dog Days Adoption Event at Parmelee Farm are under way. Three weeks to go, lots of funds to raise, plans to make, and things to bake for our Bid, Barter and Bake sale.  The last one held in Essex was a big success.. $2,000 raised in one day, all paid for the Mystic Valley event last weekend, where ALL dogs were adopted. Amen.  Thank you to my blog friends who donated to the cause. You rock! … For those of you who are local and reading my blog, if you’re a baker, or if you have a household item we can add to our Bid Barter Bake sale on August 20th,  contact me at  and I’ll be more than happy to pick up the baked item or household item the day before the sale. (August 19th).

 I hope you’re all getting some respite from the heat and dry spells across the country… we’re seeing steady rain since last night around midnight and it is so refreshing, even for the horses.

             This is what my kitchen looks like since the farm stand can’t open due to the weather.

  The husband’s office…

 Happy Sunday, all….thanks for sitting here with me for a spell.  


27 thoughts on “Come sit on the porch….”

  1. Found you via The Little Red Farm House….and it has been a delight to sit on your porch…see your produce and chickens and flowers and horses and the big dog!
    I will be back!

  2. I love your porch! A house is not a home without a comfy porch! It's extra square footage in my book!

    Your veggies look wonderful! Hopefully, you can open up the stand soon!

  3. I DO Love a rainy day….it is like a day off….
    My horse hated the rain..she always stood in the stall and looked out like a sad little kid…

  4. Some of my fondest memories are on the front porch at my grandparents house.

    I'd love to be able to sit and watch the rain… if we would ever get some. I think I would love it even more, if I was watching it from your porch. (do you have room for the chair from the sinnin' corner?)

  5. Loved my visit, always do! I missed your Buy American post so went back to read it. So true Karen, we need to support American companies and goods. Buy local when you can, support your state products then choose the companies that you want to do business with because of their ethics/quality. I have a list of favorites that make their way into my home almost every shopping trip. We're already reading the ingredients, see where it's made and learn something about the company. Google it and you'll find the companies that go way beyond what's right, Murphy Oil that's sold at Walmart and Sam's Club, Tyson Foods, Roba Dolce… don't get me started!!!

  6. What a lovely, serene porch! I would love an enclosed, porch, but I do enjoy my front porch with bench and rocking chair where I have my sweet tea or lime beer when weather permits! I salvaged some wonderful flagstones from my late inlaws home before it was torn down for a parking lot! Not enough to do more than perhaps a walkway. Come fall, I may start on it!
    Can't believe how prolific your tomato vines were! I better post some of those vintage recipes I have SOON! Can't let those beauties go to waste!

  7. Your porch is wonderful. I miss mine so much, but it is what it is.

    After your post on buying American made, I looked through the school supplies I had just bought for Hunter and low & behold, I should take it all back. The problem would be I doubt very much any of those items are made in the U.S.A.

    We had rain last night, and it looks like maybe this evening.

    Your vegetables are wonderful@

  8. If and when we retire in this house I have plans for a porch like that where my basement walks out to the backyard. It would be perfect with stone!

    Love your place… glad you are getting some rain too. We had a bit yesterday but then the sauna returned. I'm turning into a VERY grumpy old woman waiting for October.

  9. Sitting on the porch was special when I was growing up, too! And I loved to sit on the porch with a color book and colors! I have a balcony here at the condo and I try to sit there in the evenings and watch the sunset! I have my book in hand, too! I feel like I need to always be doing something…not just sitting! Oh my! I'll have to think about that! ♥

  10. Your porch is what a porch should be!!! I love it! Tom and I sometimes sit on our back porch in the evenings with the fan going, night time noises and a glass of wine. It is just so relaxing! Not so much in this heat though! We would love some of that rain! We have another heat warning today. It is 94 today with a heat index of 102. We are going swimming! Enjoy your porch time!

  11. Oh My~ Nothing like porch sitting on a rainy day. We don't have a covered back porch for sitting in this house and I do miss that. We could sit on the front porch but it is not enclosed and there is no view.

    Your porch is lovely-I would love to sit a spell there and just take a deep breath and unwind..and I love your horses out enjoying their warm "bath". My quarterhorse, Ginger, used to love the rain..she would just stand and raise her head a bit and you would know that she loved it. Thanks for the lovely memories today~ xo Diana

  12. I must say, I never actually look for the made in america sticker, but thats gonna change, hopefully, because of your post. Good one.
    Your place looks awesome as usual, and the wet pictures actually made me cooler. What a great way to spend a Sunday.

  13. Felt like I was right there with ya Karen!! We have had NO RAIN here…none…nada. It is unbelievably dry. We had better get some soon!! We haven't had to cut grass at all! Do you realize you have 276 followers now????? You are going for a record….I just know it!!! xo

  14. As I sit in the San Juan, Puerto Rico airport waiting for my flight to the Dominican Republic I feel like I've been sitting on your porch. You transported me; I was actually surprised to be jolted back to reality. Lovely pictures

  15. Hi Karen, I wanted to add a view that I didn't see expressed about made in America. We have laws for clean water ,air and labor(child)that US companies must adhere to. Except if they leave and make their goods elsewhere. We don't want our water dirty but don't hold that standard for underdeveloped countries,or China which holds the highest amount of our debt. So China can pretty much do what they like. It's only when they are embarrassed that they seem to have a different approach. They don't pay the same and don't have the same protections that US workers have, so the goods can be produced for less. Are Americans willing to take a pay cut? Really the cut in pay should be to the CEO's. Sorry for what now seems to be a rant! JD

  16. Glorious, glorious rain!! The kids would love a rain to stand in and take a natural bath!!
    All that produce!!! If it's going to beginn to spoil maybe you could donate to a food bank.

    If I lived close by, I would pop over, shop in your hubs office and leave my $$ on his desk…and quietly slip out the back door! Then I would hgo visit Opie and friends!
    xo, misha

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