Comfort Food – Chicken Leek Pot Pie

  I am loving this chilly windy sunny crisp fall weather.  Something about it brings out the nester in me.  I’ve actually cleaned out closets, cleaned things I normally ignore (husband will please refrain from a wise-crack here, if you’re reading this) and I look for new comfort foods to add to the arsenal.  The recipe pictured below came from People Magazine, provided by  NYC restaurant Tea & Sympathy  last week. It is absolutely delicious, well worth the effort to put it together.  I had a hard time putting the fork down, it’s that good.

The only thing I did differently from the recipe below is
I left the carrots and celery in (used to make the stock)
and I omitted the onions in the stock part of the making
because the abundance of leeks afterward was enough- in my humble opinion.
This is another new love…
This creamer is SOOOO delicious, I can hardly stand it.
We are enjoying our new mancave furniture immensely.
The man who claims the cave now shares the space with grace.
Well, he lets us sit in there anyway.  🙂
You’re not making fun of my socks, now, are you?

23 thoughts on “Comfort Food – Chicken Leek Pot Pie”

  1. karen,boy I love that man cave I have to have one one day . I bet it gets crowded on the couch if ben comes to watch tv instead of the little one.. have a great day!!

  2. Funny…I've made two chicken pot pies over the last month…LOVE them! Have you ever tried the ready-made pie crusts from the Immaculate Baking Co.? They are delicious and available at Robert's!

    Love your tie die socks…and uh, I noticed Bailey is it, snuggling up to the husband?! How cute is that?

  3. I like those socks!
    I saw that someone else recently made the same pot pie. And I was thinking, since we don't need the delicious crust in our house, maybe it could just be made as a soup instead?
    I think that has become a FamCave.

  4. How did I miss this recipe?! I love using leeks in just about everything! They are so under rated.

    Your man cave looks so warm and comfy! And I love your socks!!


  5. Where to begin. Pot pie is my kryptonite. I would never put the fork down. Your crust looks lovely. I had those same dishes, from Pier One I believe! I'm loving the cool temps too and nesting up a storm!

  6. I am loving that room, I can feel the heat from the fire and smell the pot pie all the way to Arkansas. Thanks.a.lot! We are supposed to get a cold front today with the rain, I am ready!

  7. Love the socks! Still too hot to do any cooking around here, I'm still without AC. The whole thing is being replaced this weekend, hopefully with a cool front in effect while they are doing it. It's going to be a hot job!

  8. Karen,
    Love the socks! I am so in the mood for Chicken Pot Pie. We are not cooking anything of any importance as we clean out the refrigerator. We fly back on Monday. So it is just leftovers for now but just wait…

  9. Bailey's coffee creamer!?!?! I will have to check that and other flavors out!

    Oh your fire looks so inviting! Low tomorrow is to be 36, coldest day yet! I am going to have to find some long sleeves to go with my halloween costume! Stay tuned.

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