Cottage Charm

 Not far from here is a summer colony of tiny cottages, nestled on the edges of Hammonasset State Park and Beach. For many years it’s been a summer retreat for families – affordable, walking distance to the water and close to everything else as well.  I googled, and a 4 bedroom 1 bath cottage can be yours for $69,000!   I don’t know what this one is going for.

  That’s a bargain!…Considering just down the road a hop, skip and jump you can buy a Mansion, see below,  on the very same strip of  sand and water for $7,000,000. or so… if you’re so inclined.   

 Most of the little cottages are seasonal ~ however as I drove through yesterday I noticed several were decorated for Christmas with cars in the driveway.

 Here’s what sticks out as I drive between the two ends of the spectrum… those mansions are beautiful, but they lack a certain charm that you will only find in small beloved cottages, those little touches that make even a passer-by smile.  I think it’s in the pride of ownership.  I think….If you don’t have tons of money at your disposal, you’re more appreciative of the things you do have… the good fortune to be able to share a little cottage with your family and friends for the purpose of respite.. good times.. togetherness with like-minded people. 

It’s been a dreary windy grey week so far…
I’m ready for snow.
(did I say that?)

This place is for sale. It’s on that stretch where the mansions begin.
It’s seasonal also…and $69,000. won’t buy the spit of land its 1 car garage sits on. 

 I do love it, though.    Reminds me of an Andrew Wyeth painting….

34 thoughts on “Cottage Charm”

  1. Some of the most fun I had growing up, was at a tiny little lake house my Dad got for a song. It was a blast! We had two different ones over the years and the first one only had an outhouse, but we didn't care. We'd swim, boat, hike and hunt. Loved it!

  2. Our little cottage at the lake is like that. I wish I could buy it for 69,000.00! However, we rent each year and have a wonderful time. Nothing fancy but just speaks to us.

    Happy New Year!


  3. So different than the housing in the desert. They must be stronger than they look in order to hold up to the weather that you all get. I'm thinking of spending the summeer by some water this year…I have never done that in all of my life.

  4. Great pics Karen I say that everytime! !! I love those little cottages the potential they have! Who would want a house that big not me! !!!

  5. Little cottages like this are so appealing. Each one is different … so unique and individual and imaginative. The fact that they're near the water makes them even more attractive. (I especially love the stained glass porthole!)

  6. Those cottages remind me of many summer communities here in the north. I grew up with a cabin on a lake and someday hope to live on water again.

    I'd love to have one or my other fantasy is either a small place in Mexico on the water or a Winnebago so I can go where it's warm.

    Kinda disparate thoughts aren't they now that I see them written out. Oooooh, but someday!

    Lovely lovely shots. Totally makes me rethink my plan and want to buy a cottage there. I could totally live in a cottage.

  7. There's no fun in going to a mansion at the beach! Just how much space does a person need? Seriously our little cottage in Maine has slept 22 – don't ask me how and with 1 bathroom! We have great memories and lots of laughs when we get together!

    I hope those little cottages never loose their life to a mansion! I love all the cottages, but the last cottage speaks to me too! It reminds me of a cottage my best friend's parents had growing up. Another place with great memories!

  8. I had a great time reading this post Karen. I'm a sucker for houses with shingles, so my favorite by far is the weathered shingled one with the green trim and the flag above the door. Reminds me a little of my husband's childhood summer home on Shelter Island.

  9. Oh I love the little cottages. I could go plant myself there for a couple weeks, in nice weather of course. And eat lobster until I can't eat anymore. Oh my, I just don't eat enough lobster. Very nice photos.

  10. I love the idea of being directly on the water but I'm sure a home on the water takes a great deal of beating from the wind, water and salt.

    I would however love to live in a small cottage for the summer… or maybe even year round. Sort of a girly dream I have of 'someday'. 🙂 No snow here either and it's almost the end of December!!!

  11. As a child I have fond memories of our time at the summer cottage.

    Thanks for triggering and helping me relive that special time in my life.

  12. That is a good buy, well maybe and who really knows how much work that older home needs. And only one bathroom id sure hate to be there on thanksgiving after a big meal,lol. Happy new year folks. Richard

  13. These little cottages remind me so much of the ones we used to rent when the kids were younger. After I wiped everything down with Lysol, we made it our home for the week. And the memories are wonderful.

    I would buy a little place like this in a heartbeat. Nothing fancy…just a little place to make memories!


  14. i loved those cottage photos….they are a combination of northern wisconsin and seaside all rolled into one 🙂

  15. I would actually prefer to live in our cottage half the year and the other half in the RV! That may become a reality sooner rather than later. So….when will you be purchasing your little piece of real estate on the water?? Those cottages are absolutely precious!!! I love them all!!! What a quaint little neighborhood!!! It reminds me very much of the neighborhood that my daughter's little house is in! Great pics!!! Thank you so much for taking us on this tour with you! Happy New Year!! xo Jeanne

  16. I have to admit the asking price is beyond reasonable. Very cute and cozy – would love to pick one up and plunk it down by the lake here, but the "spit of land" would take an additional 300,000 to consider it 🙂 Or I guess we could always vacation on the coast- now theres a thought 🙂

  17. Karen- We have areas here like that, too, along the Great Lake and I am always intrigued by the "little houses" and enjoy looking at them more than the "mansions" when we are driving.

    Love this post- xo Diana

  18. I would love to have a little "hide-out" place like that. I'm a sucker for shingles and a weathered look, so a lot of that appeals to me. I know you folks in the north get some killer winters, so I'd have to do some serious thinking. Seasonal is good. I like to dream though. Love the pictures.

  19. Oh my goodness! I would just LOVE to own one of those precious cottages! What a way to spend summers! Honestly, I'm not sure which state you live in but I'm assuming somewhere on the Eastcoast. Beautiful pictures!

  20. Oh to have a house by the sea, it's what I dream about! I love the water and if I had all the money in the world I'd spend it on houses, all different. I like it all! I just realized tonight you were missing from my blog list. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to remember your blogspot name… Karen's Old House, Old House 2, Karen't Old House 2 …arrrg! Finally the old brain kicked it so you're not rid of me yet!

  21. Oh, Karen, I LOVE those cottages! I do, I do, I do! I would take a cottage over a mansion anyday. First off, I would hate to clean a mansion and a cleaning lady can't hold a candle to ME and secondly, those old mansions are cold and have no character whatsoever!
    WHERE are you, again? Lovely. Reminds me of cabins we used to rent at the lakes in northern IN.
    xo, Cheryl

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