22 thoughts on “Dane Realities”

  1. When I do a home visit for someone who is applying to adopt their first greyhound, I make a point to show them that a greyhound's head is at the exact same level as their dining table … and to take appropriate precautions when their dog is left alone.

    Our Emma cleared out the kitchen sink when she was new to us. I had left a bit of dishes in there, and she carried each of them one by one from the kitchen to a pile in the middle of the living room floor. The most miraculous item was a jelly glass, half full of water, sitting upright in the pile.

  2. LOL- No secrets in your house! My daughter had a Great Dane when she lived here. He was totally deaf and it was sad. He was all white with just two little black spots. He was the love of her life~ xo Diana

  3. Tie and apron on that boy and put him to work in the kitchen! This is such a wonderful photo, Karen!

  4. "Holy Cow"…the exact words that came out of my husband's mouth when he saw this post of Ben!!!! Wow, Karen, he's soooo big!

    Does he snitch things from the counter?? How much does he weigh now?

  5. Lol, that is great. Today my greyhound got a box of crackers and a bag of Goldfish crackers off the top of the refrigerator. No, I'm not kidding! Love our big dogs 🙂

  6. Ah yes, life with a big dog. I remember when one of our Bernese Mtn Dogs ate FIVE whole BBQ chickens that were on the dining room table. Funny now but at the time I was sort of hoping that she'd have a bellyache that would cure her of counter surfing!!

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