A Day for the Dogs

   What a day. One of the Top Ten on my list. Just awesome!  Despite Irene’s impending threat, many volunteers and people looking to adopt dogs in need came out to support it.   I am humbled by all the help we got setting up the site, running the event and by the amount of people who came out to meet the dogs and give them new and loving homes. 

47 dogs out of 54 are now with their new owners.
I have never seen so many happy faces in one place. 
 Goosebumps, I tell ya.

 Remember Vanna?   She got a forever home.
Once the dogs are adopted, their orange bandanas are changed to Rainbows
and a large bell is rung …

 This is my Aunt Pattie, below. 
We promised ourselves we would not let each other take a dog home.
Because we have dogs already, you see.
But she only has one.  And this guy was so sweet.
  Buster’s owners had to relinquish him
when they moved into an assisted living facility where he wasn’t allowed.

Guess who went home with Aunt Pattie.
And is getting long with her dog Rosie beautifully tonight.
I’m sure my Uncle thinks I didn’t hold up my end of the deal. 
This is a local family, good friends of mine who volunteered
for the event.
Orange T-shirts are worn by volunteers so we know who’s who in the crowd.
They took Jade home, a five month old terrier girl
who had been dumped in the streets.  
There was a blessing of the animals at the start of the day…


And here’s one soggy crew at the end of a loooooong day.
Hey, it’s a really bad hair day. Irene, ya know?

44 thoughts on “A Day for the Dogs”

  1. Excellent! I was impressed and excited to visit today!!!! Thank GOODNESS I resisted. Came so close. Hubby would have KILLED me!!!!! Congrats on a great thing, Karen! Love you!!!♥♥♥

  2. Karen, Congratulations to you and your whole team, for putting on such a successful event. 47 dogs have new homes thanks to all your efforts. Parmelee Farm is happy it turned out so well.

    Now relax and have a glass or two of wine.


  3. Congrats indeed Karen!!! What a day it was! Soooo exciting to watch all the smiling faces of families taking home their new dogs!! I met some really great people today!

    I just loved hearing that bell ring!!!! XX

  4. I’ve just stumbled upon your lovely blog. I look forward to popping by again for some more inspiration! I'm just new into blogging this year & have put together a daily blog on design, fashion, food, travel and anything pretty.
    http://scrapbook-melissah.blogspot.com/ and
    http://coastal-style.blogspot.com/ for everything chic and coastal

    I had a lot of fun putting them together maybe you would like to check them out if you have a spare minute.

  5. Okay- I am officially bawling with happiness here. Am I the only one that will admit it? God bless all of you that work to find homes for these fur babies! xo Diana

  6. Congratulations on such a successful event. Bless you for all your hard work. Lovely blog. New follower here from Ottawa (area) Ontario. Canada Deb=^..^=x4

  7. I'll admit it, NanaDiana, I am crying tears of happiness this morning as I read about the adoption day and look at all those lovely pictures. Great job, Karen – bless you and the volunteers for caring so much.

  8. So proud of all of you! You really had some great looking pups and the fact that so many found homes just speaks volumes to the open hearts of the people in your area. Congratulations!

  9. Goose bumpy for sure! I would want to take each and every one home- how to choose just one 🙂 Your photos capture the spirit and personality of those dogs just beautifully. So, so glad it was an awesome day! You guys rock!

  10. Karen,
    So wonderful that no one allowed the weather to dampen their spirits!
    What I notice is that everyone is smiling!
    Good job!
    xo, Cheryl

  11. So wonderful the dawgs found homes…perfect and congratulations on all your hard work being thusly rewarded!
    Three of my four are rescues and there are two border collies in the yard waiting for their owner to, hopefully, show up and claim them. Jake and Jasper, we named them…never a good sign!…have been here a few days and seem to be settling in. Except Jake keeps tunneling under the double fence; I'm sad to say, he's a traveling man and even good food and a warm bed aren't enough to contain him.

  12. Congratulations on such a wonderful event, and for making a big difference in the world of those dogs and families! I love this kind of story…it make my heart smile 🙂

  13. Id like to invite everyone to my blog Amish Stories today to read a post from old order Mennonite Jean of New York state. Jean has taken-in a foster child named Michael whose parents are no longer able to take care of him. He's English and Jeans family is old order Mennonite (horse and buggy) but that makes no difference in the love that this young man is receiving from this family. Thank you folks and i hope to see some of you drop by the blog. Richard

  14. Aw, who cares about the hair…….what you're doing is so much more important! I am so happy to know there are people like you who take the time to help our animals in need find their forever homes, Bravo!!

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