Day trippin to Newport, RI – part 1

  The Mr. has been working 80 hour weeks recently after being hired to re-do much of a rather large estate. I can’t even count how many lists he makes in the wee hours of the night after the actual work day is done, and lists of lists. The workload has been staggering but the pay has been appreciated, especially in this economy.  He’s a stress ball, which makes me a stress ball with a  double bounce.   I knew he/we needed a day away and so I begged talked him into an escape to Newport, just for the day.  We actually left the kids to their own devices, yes we did.  I guess you could call it a date!

 Too many pictures to share in one post. My favorite part of the day was boarding the Alabama, a Black Dog Schooner that normally resides on the Vineyard docked in Vineyard Haven Harbor.  For the Memorial Day weekend it is docked at Bannisters Wharf in Newport.

  The Alabama is available for family parties, learning excursions, sunset sails, etc.  According to her website.. because any Schooner is a “she” don’t ya know…. she is a living piece of maritime history.  Built in 1926 for the Mobile, Alabama Bar Pilots, she served until her retirement in 1966.  Coastwise Packet Company owner Robert Douglas bought her and brought her to Vineyard Haven in 1967. Today his third eldest son is Captain of the Alabama.  For more information, click

20 thoughts on “Day trippin to Newport, RI – part 1”

  1. Did you sail on her??? Those sleeping quarters are cool, but I think I might get claustrophobic… if I was fortunate enough to not be hanging over the side, puking. Been a long time since I've been out on the water. I didn't get sick then, but SO much has changed in my old age!

  2. Now, that'a the way to enjoy life. I'm glad you guys had a good day. So cute of you in the bunk. 🙂

    Love your new header too!!

  3. I am so glad that your hubby was able to take some down time from his work. 80 hours a week really takes it toll after a while.

    It makes me miss our boat! I loved being on the water and loved sleeping on her…it was the best sleep I ever got,I think.

    Blessings to you- xo Diana

  4. Did you take a nap in there LOL

    Oh gosh… sorry about your hubs working so hard. Mine did those kind of hours for the first year we were here in Roanoke and it was killer for him. A day or two away would have been perfect for us too.

    Glad you took the time…. oh, and your header is perfect with you and the pups…:-)))

  5. how fun….and sometimes all we need is a day away to renew our senses !!!
    and wow, you and cool boats totally get along with each other !!!

    {ps…we just got back from my favorite little place in the world…i know you can guess {of all people} where we've been this past week 🙂

  6. Wow, she's a beauty. I would love to see her. Looks like you had fun and thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Sorry your husband has to work such long hours. Mine traveled all week for many years and perhaps that's why we are so close now. Enjoy them while you can and be glad he was willing to go on a trip rather than take a nap (smile). Happy Memorial Day.

  7. It's so nice to have a little getaway…just the two of you! When my hubby had his own business he worked LONG hours! I remember how special a little time off was! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Very cool day trip, looked like fun and those bunks, make mine on this boat seem huge. Beautiful boat though.

  9. If only I could get my hubby to leave his phone at home when we go somewhere! Do you have that problem?!!
    We're going to Orange Beach, AL in August with eldest daughter, SIL and their large brood. I'm looking forward to it, but hope I can get hubby away with just ME for a day or two this summer. It's been a hard year!
    Glad you got a chance to relax and recharge. I think we Americans could learn a thing or two from the English and their extended holidays! lol

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