Dear Linda

A comment left by Linda – 
To bad you had to get political-have you ever heard obama
speak…mr…teleprompter -aren’t you supposed to be a decorating blog…will
not follow…another angry liberal

and then another after I responded...

Like I said – you seem to be angry – not interested in hearing your pathetic commentary… so don’t worry I won’t be following.. have fun in your small world.
Dear Linda – I’ve never been a decorating blog. Nor am I an angry liberal.  My mother is a liberal and my husband is a conservative republican.  I believe that sound choices for our country lie somewhere in the middle, and so that’s where I stand – no affiliation.   Am I Angry?  At some things, you’re damn right. I hope you are too as far as the state of our government.  You assume and label pretty quickly… with your own anger. That’s small world living if you ask me.  
I don’t write my blog for followers. I write as a journal for myself and my family, and the blog friends I’ve made along the way… the ones who I have become friends with regardless of whether we see everything in the same light… they are the icing on the cake, the treasure unexpected when I started this blog.  It’s perfectly OK that you don’t want to be among them.    The beauty of a blog is it’s my space to create and express whatever I choose.  I also like to share things with anyone who WANTS to stop by and see whats posted.. like recipes, health tips, decorating ideas,  family triumphs and tribulations.   I like to support other bloggers who are going through a difficult time and I like what I’ve learned by seeing others points of view, even if they don’t match my own.    
 I would have been interested in knowing what you find redeeming about Sarah Palin and even what you find revolting about Obamas speeches or policy.  Instead you throw insults.   That’s what is so troubling about our political world.  We don’t really know how to communicate and accomplish anymore effectively.. instead it’s arrow slinging.
– Just sayin.