
  Barn swallows are a determined lot… we’ve had them nest in all three of the barns we’ve had over the past 24 years.  Barn rafters make natural sense… they are out of the way of traffic up in the eaves, they can come and go as they please through the big open barn doors.. and there are plenty of bugs just below them and out in the paddocks.   For some reason, at This Old House.. they’ve chosen the kitchen slider porch instead of the barn,  where there is heavy pedestrian traffic.  The dogs sit right underneath them!  I don’t get it.  However.. I’m enjoying the process.  Type A husband is trying real hard to ignore the mess underneath the commotion.

He’s been scolding us continuosly…

….Annoyed that he has to fly off every time we enter and exit.
I told him he could stay, but some things you just have to figure out for yourself.

 This was built in two days.  Pretty amazing. 

With all the rain and mild temps this week.. the gardens have flourished…

I don’t always watch American Idol…
but I’ve checked in on the progress this season now and then…
for two reasons…
Steve Tyler and Phillip Phillips..
I just love them both.

And Phillip… you are a man for the ages..
what creative talent you have..
love for your family…
..just a geniune hometown boy with a real love for you music.
I do believe your version of “Home” is my favorite song. Ever.
I think anyone listening to this will feel uplifted…the soul stirred..
…will feel like they are truly home.
 As if you’ll read this 🙂

See  his version of HOME  HERE…

18 thoughts on “Determined”

  1. Well, he may not read this, but I did. 🙂

    Those birds are actually wise to build there nest above the window. It's very protected from the elements of wind and rain. My husband would have knocked it down early on in the birds building of it. He's a very naughty Type A.

    I haven't seen even one show of American Idol, but I promise to view Phillip's version of Home if I can find it online. 🙂

  2. There was so much talent on AI this year. I hope a few of them have the careers they really deserve because they have way more talent than some of the pop stars who can't sing worth a lick.

  3. We never miss a single American Idol, this year really was packed with talent. I can see every single one of the final 12 getting contracts. Our favorite was Phillip, he was so genuine and his singing ability unlike any of the others… unique. Simon and Garfunkle good. And Steven Tyler and Aerosmith still make my heart go pitter patter!

  4. Can you believe I don't watch Idol? Never have :/
    I wonder now if the birds that build their nests in our garage shoes are barn swallows? I'll have to see if I can peek in a little closer the next time 🙂
    Beautiful garden!

  5. we had swallows choose a side of our house last year for nesting. i tried to dissuade them with a water hose but they rebuilt immediately and i gave up. this year they've chosen another site.

  6. Your gardens are just awesome! We haven't had that much rain here so things are quite dry around here. I just watched the video of Phillip and it was great! We had some birds build a nest in the porch light at the cottage…the MAIN door…you know, the one where everyone walks in! It was quite close to everything but that mama bird was stubborn and nothing could stop her! Chloe was fascinated by the bird's nest. Every single time we come or go out that door, she looks up there … expecting to see that very same bird!!

  7. Your photos are so, so sweet!

    I watched the end of Idol last night. (Phillip voter here!) I thought it was so incredibly sweet when it hit him, during his song, that he really won and then he walks off stage and hugs his family. (I loved his Dad, by the way. What a sweet man). Last night was one of the most touching winner reactions I've ever seen. I'm really glad he won.


  8. I've got a pair of barn swallows that think the inside of my horse trailer is the place to build their nest. Apparently I don't move it often enough for them to be concerned with their nest disappearing down the road 🙂

  9. I'm dieing laughing here, oh the eye rolling you must get from hubby!!! And I will definitely be following Phillip… such talent and passion when he sings and plays that guitar! Such a cutie!

  10. Love Idol and Tyler. Love how he breaks into song while explaining to a contestant how to hit a high note. The boy still has it. And oh, Jlo gets some of my attention too, just sayin.
    And your place looks awesome as usual.

  11. Going to have to check out American Idol. I did see his version of Home though, on another blog. Beautiful.
    Call me mean, but I would have gotten rid of the barn swallows in the beginning. They'll find somewhere else!

  12. I was glad to see Phillip win. He has such a good heart. Poor barn swallows-they are such a persistent lot, aren't they? xo Diana

  13. LOL!! That reminds me of the Phoebes that nested on my front porch at Home in the Hollow!!! And I had to set up the ladder so the realtor would let folks step in the bird poop!…:)JP

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