
   Lots of it.  In need of testing by Uconn to see what we should  add to it for better crops of hay and vegetables.  Lord, as long as it isn’t Chicken Sh*t.  Please not that again.

 I found our first blue-ish egg by one of the Auracanas sitting out in their chicken yard.
Apparently she hasn’t figured out the nesting box arrangement in the coop.
Either that or she’s an exhibitionist.

Don’t try this at home.

19 thoughts on “Dirt”

  1. I had forgotten about the saga of Mount Chicken Sh*t … now you're making me giggle again. Make sure to keep that last photo away from your insurance agent.

  2. My Dad was a big gardener and took soil preparation seriously. Manure was added in the fall and the spring, I bet our neighbors loved us since we were city dwellers! They had a "double lot," that was planted with enough veges for 2 families. Mom canned all summer, I took for granted that everyone was eating like that! Love those beautiful colored eggs, she will eventually figure it out! The pup looks like a good driver, at least she's not texting…

  3. Oh the life of farmers. I love your new header photo. I agree with you about chicken crap, but we have two chickens and surprisingly they don't put out that much odor. Thank heavens because me daughter loves them. Joni

  4. I don't know what I was thinking when I got 8 more chicks this year. Now I have 16 and one rooster running toward me for treats every time I step outside. I have 3 hens that are half Americauna and 2 of them lay green eggs.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Your comment came through this morning just fine:-)

  5. Bailey probably drives better than a lot of the idiot's out on the road! 🙂

    Great photo's; LOVE the one showing your home.

  6. You know now that you said that about the chicken &%it, thats totally what they will tell you… of course, at least you have a steady supply!

    That last one is hilarious- just don't let my boys see it or I'll have a puppy in my lap the next time we go anywhere 🙂

  7. When I was little, Dad would go to the local pony rides and get manure for the garden. He would put it in and water it good, then my sister and I would stomp around in it, to mix it up. When I think about that now… YIKES! I would never allow my kids to stomp manure, plus, now, you'd probably be turned over to CPS. Times have sure changed.

  8. I've found some eggs out in the chicken yard from first time layers. I think it sneaks up on them before they know what's happening, lol!

    Dirt? I wish we had some dirt rather than sand. I hope the test results give you some answers!

    The doggie's loving being in control of the wheel!

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