Dog Days Adoption Event at Mystic Valley Hunt Club!

  On August 27 & 28  we will host a Dog Days Adoption Event at Parmelee Farm.  I went to the Mystic Valley Hunt Club Dog Days yesterday in Ledyard to get a feel for how it was set up, and to take some pictures for the organization.   I had tears in my eyes as soon as I walked onto the premises… so many happy faces, so many dogs meeting with their new families… in just the first four hours, 55 of the 80 dogs had been adopted, and by the end of the day, the tally was 70.  Today my hope is that the remaining dogs will find their forever homes. Many of these dogs were rescued from kill shelters – they were on death row.

Lorin Greene, founder of Go Dog Days, is doing wonderful things. 
You go girl.. and GO DOG DAYS!!!

Lorin with Bernadette and Ginger

 This is what Dog Days is all about.
SO.. today… 10 dogs still need a home. If you’re local, visit Mystic Valley Hunt Club
to meet the remaining dogs. OR… come to the Parmelee Farm Event
on August 27 & 28th to find your new family member.
We will have 80  Connecticut shelter, pound & rescue dogs available for adoption,
all vetted and personality tested.
THANK YOU to those who have already contributed…
and for those still interested in helping.. there are many ways..
or using chip-in widget on website.
We need Vendors too… $100. per table for the weekend- anything you want to sell.
Dog related products are a plus, but not necessary.
We encourage crafters and local businesses also!
Vendor forms HERE

All proceeds go to the expenses of holding the Dog Days Adoption Event. 
Dog Days is a non-profit volunteer organization.

30 thoughts on “Dog Days Adoption Event at Mystic Valley Hunt Club!”

  1. WOW! 55 adopted… that's great! Hope August goes as well for the remaining pups.

  2. They all look like such wonderful dogs! I can't help but feel sad that they were abandoned in the first place, but thank goodness they are able to find new homes. I hope people step up for the last 10 sweet faces!

  3. They are all so cute. I was up crying for 2 hours last night over my life partner Thor. Miss him more at night. We found Thor at the Palm Beach dog Pound. They said he had 1 week to go before they put him down. We were not charged a dime. In Maine they want $150 bucks. They should be glad to get rid of the expense. I am thinking maybe next year, I'll pay a breeder. Yvonne

  4. Wonderful! Everyone looks so happy especially the sweet dogs!

    (Don't ask how I was able to comment; someone must have waved a magic wand whilst I was sleeping. LOL)

    Your photo's are GREAT!!

  5. Wow! Amazing so many dogs found homes, that's wonderful! Looking forward to working with you Karen at the Dog Days Event in August!!

  6. How great is that? Wow, thats a lot of lives saved, what a great thing. And good luck with your event in August.

  7. So sweet! Those portraits tell the story. I did the math though…..I would have come home with 10. 😉 You & the founder of Dog Days are amazing! Bless you!

  8. You are awesome! Sooooooo glad for all those dogs and their new families!! Now…let us hope the others find homes too!! Great Job!

  9. Blessings to all those who were able to find new family members. Hoping the remaining ones will find their forever families, soon!

    God bless people like you and Lorin!

  10. That cute guy with the orange neckerchief and the girl with the orange t-shirt is the cutest guy. They are all adorable.

    The money you spend adopting a pet (I paid $250 for George from a rescue group) goes for food, lodging, vet expenses, etc. The money is needed!

  11. What a great day they had! Saving Moon and Copper was "the best" even though I've always had pups from a breeder in the past. I would do it again in an instant!…:)JP

  12. Oh, Karen, this post just tugged at my heart. The looks on the faces of the dogs and their new families is such a joy. You captured it all so beautifully.

    What a wonderful way to start my week. 🙂

    Big hugs to you.

  13. All those happy faces make me smile too! What an amazing group to organize and pull off an event like this. Big round of applause from the crowd…

  14. Aww, I'm totally welling up here. I'm so so glad so many found a new home and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the remaining 10. Look, if you end the day without a new addition (or two) to your home (have I mentioned I love your home?), you deserve… something…

    Love the photos! There are a couple of photos there that would be a great advertisement for your adoption day. Heart melting!

    Love you for being you! x Carolina

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