Drinking the Koolaid

I haven’t written much about this subject lately, for several reasons, but most importantly for my own sanity.   I don’t find joy in expressing opinions that will offend or criticize other people. In fact my greatest wish for all mankind is for we humans  to come together  to exist peacably in our daily, brief existence on this planet in a way that at the very least protects the health of our  irreplaceable world, the one  which we are trashing daily and at feverish rate.   I pray we will wake up and  recognize that working together is the only way to a fair economy, a balanced society, the only way we  can avoid eventually killing ourselves off.   Is there anyone out there who actually doesn’t want this?

What would it entail?  Oh, so very many things, but none of it impossible.  First up-  we need to stop electing officials who continue to divide us, who are bought by big business that continues to trash our environment and our economy in favor of the wealth of the elite few who protect their own interests at the expense of all else, who continue to encourage economic divide and  remove the safeguards that protect this one earth, the animals we raise for food  and the wild ones who all play a part in the health of our ecological system.

I now realize I have been a bit naive – For a while it felt like we were becoming enlightened to the ills – more tolerant and respectful of our differences, regulations were put in place to protect our environment and animal welfare, people were taking notice and proceeding accordingly.  I thought prejudice and racism were fading fast, acceptance and realization of our equality more the norm.  While politics and human nature have always had their ugly side, I still felt the majority of people for the most part wanted whats good for all, whether we agreed on what that meant or how it could be implemented.

Politicians come and go, and all are human, none without flaws.  Now, however, .. we have a huge problem we may never recover from  – a liar in the oval office who has never, ever shown concern for anyone or anything but himself and his giant ego…. and the even bigger issue – the  minions who suddenly condone or ignore what he’s actually made of and continue to support what should never have been supported in the first place.    DT has  certainly never been a religious man, and yet now because it feeds his “base” he spins it in and it’s celebrated.  How does supporting him work for someone who believes themselves to be a Christian?    He continuously encourages divide, childishly insults anyone who doesn’t bow to his whims and praise him, his lies since taking office have reached past the 10,000 mark.  He refuses to reveal his taxes, his financial records, he’s been a horrible business man in many cases, an awful husband to three women, cheating on all of them,  and a poor example of a father in my book.  He is BFF’s with foreign hostile powers, the man who is responsible for trying and succeeding in fucking with  our democracy,  a goal that has been his for a long time.   He calls that man to discuss our business, can you imagine.  What a fool he must take us all to be.

I doubt a DT supporter is still reading this – it has to be hard, internally, even if you don’t let it show externally, to support and defend a monster such as he if you’re truly a decent person.  I’m no longer interested in  the excuses –  “we needed change, he is doing something the other politicians weren’t, he’s getting stuff done”.   We can’t afford the price we’re paying for his leadership – one clear example – Racism and prejudice is alive and thriving – they’ve got more wind in their sails,  having found new solid ground, a stronger voice, they praise DT because they see him as “one of them” due to his own lunatic, hateful rhetoric.

It can’t be denied if we’re being honest here, that our immigration issue is a big one, and others before him have failed to get it right.  Same can be said for our health care system.   He has yet to come up with a decent solution that will actually work on any of those fronts, and he continues the practice of rewarding the extreme wealthy elite – while the little guy continues to pay for it.   How is it lost on anyone? … because it’s right there for all to see. The Emperor wears no concealing clothes, he is what he is, boldly and without apology.   You can’t tell me there isn’t a better answer out there to  fix what needs fixing in this country than an ego maniacal habitual liar who  chooses  division  instead of uniting this already torn Country, stomping all over our Constitution and  poluting the integrity of the office he holds with his falsities,  time and time again.  While our media has needed a check for a long time, DT  IS the Fake News.  Don’t take my word for it… count his lies.  Do the research.  Seek truth, not what’s convenient to your belief system.

I Love My Country.  I love our freedoms, I  respect our diversity.  I appreciate all that is good in this place we all call home, and we can thank members of all political parties for their thoughtful vision in the past –  not just for the problems of the present.  I’m praying for us all that those giving DT power will stop drinking the Koolaid.  I’m hoping, wishing on stars, lucky striped stones,  dandelion seeds blown into the wind and birthday candles  that in 2020 we’ll elect a more sane, rational, planet and true Country loving leader than the one currently set on his throne, no matter what the party affiliation.

Off the soapbox for now… if you got this far, thanks for lending an ear – and your opinion in the comments if you so choose.    While I have always welcomed opposing views on whatever the subject, this one is closed.  As I stated above, I’m no longer interested in the excuses, for I feel the damage is far too great at this point.  If you’re not willing to admit the damage being done on the world stage, not just our own, that’s your right… and your burden to bear.









20 thoughts on “Drinking the Koolaid”

  1. Hello, I agree 100% with everything you wrote. I am sickened about the direction our country is taking. I am worried our next election will be fixed, hacked or whatever. The majority of people’s votes will not count. Our democracy is at risk and that scares the hell out of me. I hope this is not true! It is great to read that you feel the same, now if only more people would wake up . Wishing you a happy day and weekend.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Sad, Scary, all of those things. I hope we’re not a lost Country, but it’s sure feeling like it.

    1. Ah, some voices of reason… it’s encouraging to know there are more of us out there.

  2. Absolutely 100%, everything you have said. The one thing that Trump has done for me, is to let me see who people really are. I have taken so many off the pedestal I used to put them on, and have lost total respect for them as well. It seems there a lot of the elders that you should be able to turn to for confirmation of your disgust who are supporting this crap. They think all is well as long as their $$ are growing. They are so anti-government, one said, I’d rather Trump had my money to manage instead of the government. Ludicrous. I really believe this was in the works for several years, the apprentice was the beginning of putting this leech in the homes of his base, which I not one single time watched. I’m angry, I’m disappointed and I’m fearful. It is high time this all ends. Sadly, I don’t know how much we can trust the next election. I truly do think that votes were changed in some way in 2016, I can’t believe that every single poll was off. I am also just exhausted.

    So glad to have read your post tonight …

    1. So glad you stopped by to let me know you feel the same! and yes, yes yes… it’s thoroughly exhausting. And it’s a daily assault. And I’m no delicate flower! So tired of the corruption throughout that administration.

  3. Amen. You fight the good fight, for planet, country, family and friends. Happy Mothers’ Day. Mom

    “This we know, the Earth does not belong to us,
    We belong to the Earth.
    All things are connected like the blood
    Which unites one family.
    Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the Earth
    Humanity does not weave the Web of life;
    We are merely strands in it.
    Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.” Chief Seattle

  4. I read all the way to the cute you on your soap box, because I agree with every single word you wrote. you have a talent for saying what I think, but I don’t have the words to express… you go girl… the problem I have is almost ALL of my friends and relatives thing he is wonderful and it scares me silly they will vote him in again…

  5. you now have another 100 percent agreement from my husband, he just finished and he agrees you have a gift with words and the truth be told.

    1. Please thank him for the kind words, and thank you for stopping by, I so appreciate the shared conversations.

  6. I despair daily when I watch the News, but you and your Commenters give me hope. Maybe more people than I realize see what’s happening. But when a religious leader/ university president makes a public statement that Trump should ignore the Constitution and be awarded 2 more years in office, I despair. When laws, subpoenas, precedent and social mores are ignored, I despair. When an already tired and burned-out nation is subjected to a never-ending presidential campaign (when 6 months would be more than ample) I despair. When ‘politically correct’ manners are derided, but open hatred is acceptable, I despair. When big, ‘dark’ money is determining our nation’s fate, I despair. Please do not stop resisting. You have a powerful voice.
    -Eileen in Fla.

  7. Hi Karen, It’s been a long time since I’ve visited. This is very well written. I have to say that in the last few months I have become so frightened, truly scared, about where this country and the world has gotten to. I can’t say I’m proud to be an American anymore, mostly due to the idiot in the oval office. He is marching on the same road as Hitler and Mussilini and I can’t comprehend why fellow politicians are so afraid to stand up to him. He is ONLY a f….ing man!!! Every day he is emboldened just like Hitler. People have become so mean and hateful to each other and have little or no respect for anything but themselves. Even little kids have become meaner. What has this world come to when a 9 year old kid kills his mother “because he snapped”. I fear for nature and the animals that humans are dependent on but the almighty greed rules everything. I apologize to Mother Nature daily and feel so bad for all critters right down to the bugs. We are killing this earth faster than I ever thought we would. It makes me sick to my stomach. Thank you for being a caring person.

    1. The same thanks is sent to you, friend. Keep fighting the good fight, though – of all things, we cannot give up.

  8. There is nothing more I can add to this. You said it perfectly. I used to think that living in fear meant you were surrounded by bombs and war. True, but not this is living in fear, too. It will take every single one of it. Well done, Karen.

  9. Things are bad; our country becoming more jaded by the day. I wish I had your way with words, Karen. You’re so right about everything. You converted me.


  10. I completely agree with everything you said. I continue to be appalled that there are so many Kool aid drinkers in this country. Thankful that the two Republicans in my immediate family did not vote for the man and now say they will switch to being Independents.

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