Eddie and Phil

   I woke up this morning to an overcast sky.  A phone call  down to Joshua Cove confirmed glass water conditions, perfect for kayaking. Off I went with camera in tow to see what I could see. 

Can you see the difference between low and high tide?  Notice the top step on the ladder…
Yes.. that much of a difference in just hours. ..amazing, really. 
During low tide conditions, even at the mouth of the cove below,
 I could get out of the boat and walk anywhere, knee to waist deep at most.  
Perfect conditions for clamming, judging by the number people out there on this overcast morning. 
So.. being me, you know.. … …
(and this is where my husband would get all embarrassed
and try to hold me back, good thing he wasn’t with me…..) 
I saw two guys who looked very serious and knowledgeable
 about what they were doing.  I paddled over slowly, hoping not to
disturb their space and asked if I could take their picture for my blog
and possibly my next attempt at a painting.
    This is what I love about people… 
in a world where there is so much we could be discouraged about with one glance 
at the days news coverage, there is so much to appreciate if you’re only open to it. 
 …..Like two East Haven guys who are happy to oblige a stranger  
who wants to take their photo and tell a little of their story.
   Eddie and Phil are two buddies who’ve been clamming these waters for twenty years or so.  
As Eddie describes it… 
 “Clamming is just a nice time to have the sun on your back and a friend by your side
 as you talk to people in the water and tell a story of the best bucket you got the day before.” 
  One of the secrets of a life well lived, right there.   
It’s the simple things, people.