30 thoughts on “Evening Stroll….”

  1. love the shadow shot!
    so pretty. do you have water on your property too or is that someplace nearby, karen?
    will be fun to watch everything turn green again, right?
    it has finally turned green here and i am loving every blessed inch of it!
    happy sunday

  2. Karen – beautiful photos. I'm pretty sure I know where you took them…lol. Martha's Vineyard comes immediately to mind.

  3. Was that two different bird boxes and what kind of bird was on the top of that one? Did you have to wear galoshes, or are things drying up? Lovely photos, Karen… as always!

  4. Looks like you are having fantastic weather, just we are this weekend. Awesome photos, Karen. 🙂

  5. Gorgeous!!! The tree rings is my favorite. You really are thinking outside the box with your stunning pictures! Just beautiful!

  6. Its nice to see that Spring has arrived after a dramatic winter. Great pictures Karen and I love the post about your new chicks. Happy Monday!
    Susan 🙂

  7. Great stroll you two had. Achey feet here are keeping me from walking right now. Is that a snake hiding in the grass in that one photo?


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