Farm Updates

  This Old House is now officially a member of the Connecticut Farm Bureau.  We received our metal sign the other day…

 See the four Robin eggs up in the header? 
They hatched overnight…this is what BEN found this morning.
They just look so naked and exposed.

My Rock garden at the side door has filled in some
with a little help from perennials I bought at the garden center (too expensive)

 Opie’s shoes at the gate.

Front door urns filled…
and garden cart made from recycled house parts…

This is the color combo I used around the house this year…
100 year old cast iron plants are back out on the porch…

 I pimped the chicken coop just a little…
And they moved out of the house
and into their new pad.

 He’s exhausted from planting this ginormous garden…
(what. was .  he . thinking)
but it is an awesome garden and we will reap many rewards…
and a sore back.

  My blueberry, raspberry and blackberry bushes…

  The chicken sh*t did the job it was supposed to do…
the hay this year will be fantastic

The little backyard garden is very happy…

ancient lilacs in full bloom..
Kate of Chronicles of a Country Girl gave me a tip on cut lilacs
They don’t last long.. but if you smash the woody stem a little,
they last longer in a vase of water.

I’ve filled my assorted pots…
The dogwoods on the edges of the fields are just beautiful right now…

 ..and the rain keeps coming…
but that’s OK… because we’re GREEN again.

34 thoughts on “Farm Updates”

  1. Karen,

    You really have a piece of Heaven. I love everything you are doing. I went to college in CT and lived in Mystic and Gales Ferry until we headed off to Maine!

    The chicks are wonderful and I envy the gardens.


  2. You, and your family, have been so busy with the farm. Everything is so lovely. Love that you pimped the chicken coop — that's exactly what I would do too. Congrats on your babies and your Farm Bureau status. The shot of the green grass and the stand of trees, by, oh my, living in the high desert like I do…that's quite a sight to behold. Joni

  3. It looks like you're about two weeks, at the bare minimum, ahead of us; everything looks so beautiful! I love those planters and, if the rain ever slows down here, I'm going to get in the rest of my garden.

  4. So beautiful and that garden, WOW! Soooo much work went into making your farm picture perfect. Loved the pictures as always! I blogged about you and missing even one post, it's like coming for a visit each time to a bff!

  5. Just a very pretty posting and can't believe how huge your garden is. I'm not a gardener. Hubby is, but he doesn't have the time for it. Perhaps when he retires. Gotta love the pimped out chicken coop…hope the girls appreciate your efforts. LOL


  6. Oh man, the size of that garden! Plenty of food for sure and sore backs. Love the pimped chicken coop. Place looks amazing. Lovin the cart too.

  7. Karen it all looks so wonderful, the coop, your gardens, the hay…absolutely everything! Congrats on the Farm Bureau designation! Now, when can I come for a visit? 😉

    Kat 🙂

  8. Karen, Thanks for the Happy Birthday shout-out. Made my day. And it brought me to your sweet blog here. Everything looks so fresh and colorful and green. Wonderful farm you have there.


  9. Karen- What a beautiful place you have! You can sure tell there is pride of ownership there! I love it all-from the garden plot to the chickens to the iron urns. It is a gorgeous place. How fun to be part of the farm bureau. We were in one on the farm I grew up on in PA. My father taught agriculture (and English lit!;>) at Penn State years before I was born. He was into strip farming when everyone thought he was crazy!;>) Hugs- Diana

  10. Congrats on your farm bureau status.
    I love all your photographs, they brighten up a very dark, dank, rainy NJ day. The lilacs are awesome.

  11. I'm so thrilled the eggs have survived to hatch!!! Immediately after reading about the eggs, I turned green and envious and have placed myself in the corner, once again, though I hardly ever leave it, nowadays. LOVE the photos!

  12. First time visitor. I came over to visit from Ain't for City Gals. I am a chick- mama, too. My babies are about the same size as yours. We are just finishing our coop. I am impressed with your farm. You are SO together. I am a mess. Simply a mess. I thought so before I read your blog, but now that I have read your blog…I know I am a BIG ol' mess! xo, Cheryl

  13. Wow. Your place looks great. Cannot believe how huge the garden is. It's lot of work, isn't it? But work is good. Hey, love that urn on your porch and thanks for the shout out.

  14. Is that the neatest, weed-free-est garden or what? Holy cow!

    Love all of your little knick-knacks and gew-gaws. You seriously need to submit some of those photos to a magazine. 🙂

  15. The farm looks especially beautiful in Spring! My lavender has already bit the dust! I just can't grow it and your lilacs look amazing!!! I have never seen lilacs (in person)–they do not grow here–I guess it just gets too hot. I grew up with mimosa trees with fuzzy little pink blooms–very strange– but fragrant–do they grow up there?

  16. I feel we are so lucky to have this opportunity to watch the progression of life on your farm…Love that the baby robins have made it so far…I am rooting for them!

    Congrats on the CT farm membership!

  17. Karen, Your home and grounds are GORGEOUS!! wow. I love everthing. That is my favorite color of the geraniums in the urns at the front door- that coral/salmon color makes me swoon!!
    Tell me about your 100 year old cast iron plants… they are so Southern!! I left some 100 year old plants behind with friends/neighbors in Dallas and now I'm regretting it. You bring them in during our winters I suppose? I would have sworn you were in Ma…. wonder why I thought that? Congrats on your new sign!


    p.s. love the photo of your pup in the header!

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