Fast Food with a Conscience

  Most of us do it from time to time… out running errands, traveling with the kids, a hectic day at work with no energy to cook… what’s the usual answer?  FAST FOOD.   I don’t even want to think about the number of cheeseburgers, bags of fries or cokes I’ve had over the years… or my kids, for that matter.  I’m a decent cook and have done a decent job feeding my family for the most part.. but I have caved to the EASY on occasion.. and my  husband and son absolutely LOVE those FF cheeseburgers.  It is what it is.   I don’t eat much of that crap anymore because it really isn’t very good for you, as we all know.  And I usually feel yucky after I’ve eaten it.

HOWEVER… the other day I was out running those errands and it was cold and rainy and I was hungry.  I didn’t want to get out of the car either… cats and dogs kinda rain.   My choices in the town I was in  were McD’s and Wendys.   Now, McD’s hasn’t done much at all to improve their menu, and if you ask me I think the quality of their usual stuff is getting worse.   I pulled into Wendys instead to see if their menu had improved.  Lo and behold!!!… I see a big poster with a picture of a beautiful salad.  I order it… and the new berry tea they advertise. 

I gotta tell ya…. it was delicious!
and fresh!
and… I think.. relatively good for you!  
If you have to do fast food, this is the way to do it.
BRAVO, Wendys… you done good.
Berry Almond 11-greens Chicken Salad with Raspberry Viniagrette – YUM!
And the tea was divine with fresh crushed berries.
I’m not getting paid to talk about this… it was just that good.

24 thoughts on “Fast Food with a Conscience”

  1. More fast food eating places need to take a few junk items off their menus and replace with these types of salads. Inner city people are eating poorly and this may just help the issue of diabetes and obesity in our country. Just saying….

  2. Yay for Wendy's! I haven't been to one in a while but next time I go I am definitely trying this. I love Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing!

  3. When I want to eat "healthful" fast food, it's a salad at Wendy's. Today I've got coupons so think I'll treat myself and eat at Wendy's. Around here, that's dang near gourmet.

  4. Wendy's….this is good to know! When we travel we don't like to stop at a restaurant that takes an hour or more to eat if we're in a hurry but we don't like fast food either. We sometimes stop at KFC and get some chicken strips. Not real healthy but quick and easy. I would love to try this salad! Thanks for the tips!

  5. I had Wendy's yesterday too! I have not tried the berry tea yet but I saw the poster and wondered if it was like the powdered stuff. I had the spicy caesar salad and it was wonderful! I am more of a taco and burrito addict than fast food burgers but I can't even face tacos since the whole "pink slime" news came out. Now when I even think about most fast food, I get nauseous. Wendy's is about the only exception.

  6. I've heard from my friends specifically about that salad from Wendy's! It sounds delish and I never think to stop there because we don't really do fast food either.

  7. I am so glad to know that, Karen. I haven't been to Wendy's in a long time because there is basically nothing I can eat there…but NOW? Wow-I can't wait to try it.

    I think McD's is not nearly as good as it used to be—either that or I am getting jaded! xo Diana

  8. Yum! That looks so good; I'll have to try it.

    I wanted to tell you, I loved the pics on your last post, but couldn't pull them all up. It's my *#@! computer again. But, what I saw was beautiful!! 🙂

  9. A word to the wise, my husband and I stopped @ McDonalds a few weeks ago on our treck to Maine . . . asked if they used "pink slime" in their hamburg – "yes we do" was what I heard over the speaker, "thank you, I won't be ordering." We drove across the street to Wendy's, asked the same question "no we do not" was the reply – we placed an order!

    I my humble opinion the only thing McDonalds is good for is the Newman's coffee!!!

    I'll have to check out that salad, it looks yummy!

  10. Thanks for the heads up. That salad looks really yummy and healthy too. I try to eat a healthy diet but there are times when we get busy and fast food is the easiest and quickest option. Next time this happens I am off to Wendy's. I am your newest follower.

    Susan and Bentley

  11. Mmm, yum. I love salads. The only problem with getting a salad in the drive-thru is that you can't eat and drive at the same time…well, I can't.

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