Fighting Style

    Three guesses and the first two don’t count – on what kind of fighting style this girl sports.  Have you been a reader here at This Old House 2  for a while?  If we were sitting in an auditorium you’d all be raising your hands with the answer, smirk style, and you’d all be right.  

    I’m the first to admit it – if there is something that’s pissing me off, you’re going to hear about it.  If you’re the one doing the thing that’s pissing me off – you’ll hear it even louder.  I’m married to the same kind of fighter and that makes life interesting around here.     And curses are part of my vocabulary.. is it a New Yawk thing? … Nope.. because I still have friends who grew up right alongside me in New Yawk who say “Gosh”.    If I ever say ” oh gosh”… know there’s something wrong with me.    Not that there’s anything wrong with it, just so we’re clear here –  it is not a dig against -gosh- exclaimers.    It just ain’t me… it sounds so -wrong- coming out of my mouth.
 The good thing about all that is, you’ll always know where I stand.   The bad thing about that is… you’ll always know where I stand.    What’s better – the noise maker who wants everything aired out, cleared up, straightened out and -let’s move forward-… or the quiet one who stews, simmers, maybe even ignores, but makes a statement in another way, which leaves whomever was the pisser offer clueless.. so that there is no positive change because… clueless.  And you know.. that long slow simmer eventually eats your heart out if you ask me. 

   Then there’s the passive aggressive way of fighting… no arguments, no loud exclamations or swear words or burnt offerings. But there is the steady pushing back, the little insinuations, the gestures, the Oops, did I do that?.. things that are a payback, but they don’t really accomplish anything because it’s not all out in the open, you know?  You’re not saying what you REALLY mean, you’re just getting even.  So the other person is left.. .clueless. 
   Now, in a perfect world, there is no fighting.  Fighting should be obsolete! Let’s all get along!…
but where do we live?  In the real world. 
    So what’s your fighting style?  …has it served you well?  I don’t know that mine has.. I didn’t choose it..but it is what it is.