Finding the Bright Side

  Attitude is everything.  As I mature I discover this to be one of the biggest truths in life. No matter how determined we are, we can’t dictate exactly how things will go, what will change and what will remain the same. Nothing is sure but death, taxes and the unpredictability of weather.  And Twinkies, Slim Jims, Twizzlers and Coke.  I’m pretty sure those four things would survive any apocalypse.

  As I sit here at the computer, my hands, feet and face sting from the thaw after morning chores. I am not discouraged by the winter that just keeps chilling, snowing and blowing.  Instead, I am grateful for the beauty outside my windows, for the good health to carry out the chores, for the good fortune to be able to feed the troops and the animals, and for my husbands big excavation equipment, currently in the State Forest digging a  Bronco out of the snow after a certain family member and his friends decided to see how far they could go in the snow  last night.    Wearing shorts and sneakers. ….. Ah, youth.  

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch
of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for
– Edith Sitwell

  Because of the cold temps and snowy tundra, we’ve been spending more time around the kitchen table at meal time, more time by the fire watching the Olympics, more time as a family in general.  So often the outside world beckons us in all directions.  This opportunity for togetherness, despite it’s chill factor, is a gift. 

The Mr. and I did some gator riding through the trails yesterday…

…and got just a little stuck.

After a little back and forth and some shoving, cursing and flooring it…
 we were free again. 
Hey, stupidity is not always wasted on the young. 
The picture currently in my header was yesterdays morning moon…
the winter moon is just beautiful.
I’ve now got some serious boot wear I found stuffed in the back of the mudroom closet
  -my sons snowmobile boots from a few years back, when we wore the same shoe size.
They are mammoth…each boot weighing probably 10 lbs.. all the better for
some leg toning, right?
The dogs are content to run outside, do their thing, and come right back in.
We always dig a run for Ben, because he will not “go” near the house…
he wants some privacy.  If we don’t dig that path,
he stands at the gate looking miserable.

 Frasier is not so finicky.

The skies have been the bluest blue.
Picnic anyone?
It’s a new day, All –  make it a good one!