Finding Joy on a rainy day

  You read it right, folks… RAIN.  And it’s actually melting away some of the 30 inches of snow and ice  accumulation.  The problem lies in the weight of the stuff on  rooftops, causing collapses and wreaking havoc all over the state.

 But this post is about JOY on such a day… and we found it on a trip to our favorite CT antiques haven, the town of Putnam in the “Quiet Corner” of the state, as they like to say.  I blabbed about it last year HERE


First, we had lunch at our favorite Italian Restaurant… Bella’s!…

I’d bet the moon you’ve never had a better tasting meatball. 

 Then we stopped at Victoria Station Cafe to pick up some of these …

 And finally we crossed the street to cruise the isles of the antiques mall to browse through this…

 Do you remember when phones used to look like this?  
I would have loved these two bottles to put above the linen cabinet in the bathroom,
but they wanted $100. for them, so I walked away.

 Two floors of craziness like this…

 Isn’t she adorable?

 Whenever I see this cobalt blue, I think of my friend Joey –
And if it happens to sparkle,  it SCREAMS Joey.
SO, Jo.. this pic is for you.
I took your advice, and I do revel in  JOY as it flies by…
  I almost bought this, I’m still thinking about it….
 good thing there is an hour’s drive time between us.
My purchase for the day?
These  $5. vintage matchbox cars for my son –
They’re old enough to be MADE IN ENGLAND!
 Because sometimes… I’m cool like that.  

24 thoughts on “Finding Joy on a rainy day”

  1. Karen, Who went on this journey you? Just you and Mike?

    Those desserts look very tasty. They all look very low calorie to me!!

    Nice photography of all the subjects!

  2. Great photo's! So glad you had a good day, and I think you should go back and get that phone. I bet you really don't remember those 'cause I do and I was FIVE which means you were still someone's baby dream come true. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I would love to go galavanting around to these places with you. Funny I always go to Antique
    stores on rainy days or a movie. Just saw The Kings Speach it was such a great movie. The storm was said to hit the coast at 7 pm so we started out at 5 and the snow came down so bad. Anyway I got out and saw the town at night in a snow storm.
    Pure sluch coming home.

  4. A nice way to spend a grey rainy day…It's been a long time since I've been to Putnam and I do think it is a time to return…and now I have a restaurant to try out!

    We are getting thunder and lightening tonight!

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful day, love your pictures! It's been raining here all day too! I hope the snow melts so that no one has problems with their roofs! And yes you are that cool, I love the white one, it looks like a fastback mustang!

    Kat ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Ummm, those first pastry thingies…. yummmmmmmmm!!!! Looks like a wonderful day! I am so glad you are thawing out! This version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow is my favorite!! How is your baby girl feeling? Hope she is doing well!

  7. Seriously Karen???? I really wish we lived closer!! I would SO love to spend a day with you just eating meatballs and DESSERTS and browsing lovely antique shops!! I think I have a whole suitcase full of matchbox cars like that somewhere! You really are cool like that. Really.

  8. We're supposed to get another round of snow tomorrow night and then a more significant amount Tuesday night–and we are in the South–not used to this misery! Truly, we southerners are wimps when it comes to snow and ice and inadequate equipment to remove it! It doesn't take a lot to paralyze our city!
    Those desserts look mighty tempting!

  9. LOL You're very cool!

    Great photos. That poor cold cowboy and his horse jumping out of the snow… And the owner of the pick-up truck has a slight problem if he wants to make a quick getaway ๐Ÿ˜‰

    100 for those two bottles is definitely excessive.

  10. You have the best antique stores in the world in New England. My husband says I'm not safe in them with his credit card. What a great way to spend a rainy day.

    That might be the most scrumptious meatball I've ever seen. What a great presentation.

  11. Now, that's my kind of place to spend a rainy day.

    You know that telephone is going to nag at you for a loooong time. Too cute. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I'm with Joey, Love that cobalt blue….and always your photos are so fantastic. I normally click off any music when I read posts, but there;s no way I could have muted this one. It made antique shopping with you that much more fun. Thank you, "Cool One"!;)

  13. As beautiful as the snow is, it's treacherous. Loved coming along with you for the day…so glad we stopped for pastries, lunch was delish and how did you know I love to go antiquing? Your posts always pick me up!

  14. Sounds like a great day! We all get cabin fever in this weather – we got out for brunch accompanied by some music made by friends of ours. It was good to get out of Dodge!


    PS I've started on your scarf!

  15. I love going to Putnam for a day of shopping… especially love to dream about having vintage Stickley furniture in my house, and finding all of those cabinet photos for my artwork… looks like a great day! We actually have a working old phone in the house which baffles all of our young (<30) visitors who don't remember the rotary dial…

  16. What is there not to love about this post? There's yummy food, antiques goodies, lots of bling and just about the coolest snow photos I've seen. Yep, my friend, apparently you are cool like that.

    We had drizzly rain over the weekend and I just stayed in cooking and watching movies. I would love to have been on this outing!

  17. you know i love those little cars! and you even bought them. i never do, but i love to photograph them.

    i want a little antique shop like that. one of my very own.

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