Five Oh

My guy is 50 today.. or yesterday, 
depending on how you want to look at it.
Leap year baby, don’t ya know. 
Last night we had a family dinner at his favorite restaurant
not far from here.  We’ve never been big on BIG, 
as in parties. I promised him I would not do the dreaded
suprise thing, and he had better hold up his end of the
 bargain when it’s my turn.
So, we kept it small.. just siblings and their families, the parents
and our good friend and office manager, who keeps M’s business organized
down there while I do my thing up here on the farm. 
He is our rock, the corner stone of our family foundation.. and then some, 
 this mountain of a man who is always there for so many.
While he sometimes drives me nutz and vice versa….
I am so blessed to have his love in my life. 
(Right here is where he will quite possibly spit out his seltzer water,
roll his eyes and wonder who the entity is 
who possessed his wife during the typing of this post)

The kids.. now all teens and young adults.. are at an age where they are 
truly fun to talk to. We are blessed with a bunch of kids who are thoughtful,
thought provoking, intelligent,  still know it all but also want to listen to what we have
to say, to where we’ve been, to what we’ve come to know. 
And we laugh together. 
It’s a beautiful thing.. as are this young group of individuals that I’m sure
will bring good things to this world. 
The moms….
This family of ours.  Best gift of all.