Floored and Decked

 I’m still floored by the mess that is the Staten Island shore.. since that post, and pics I put on FB, I have heard from a few of my Staten Island friends… people I went to school with… who are telling me the Red Cross isn’t even a presence there, nor is the Salvation Army.  The people affected are basically relying on the help of neighbors and people who are willing to go down there and help clean up, bring supplies, cook on outdoor grills and feed the masses.   Staten Islanders taking care of their own.  WHERE THE HECK IS EVERYONE????   Bring our troops home then, let them help where we need them most… AT HOME!… How about prisoners who are not violent offenders… let them come.  Heck, there are enough police officers on the street corners to keep watch. 

I saw Fema tents (see pics in yesterdays post)… but there were only a few cars parked there, and the only activity I saw was the junk heap backhoe and excavator.  NO where, did I see anyone else helping, other than desperate bone tired residents.  Is this going to be another Katrina disaster?  I sure hope the people of Staten Island are screaming at officials to send in aid. 


Seems kinda frivolous to post pictures of This Old House decked out in holiday finery, knowing that just two hours down the turnpike there are many hardworking folks without heat, water or a bed to sleep in today.   I need to get my head out of the wreckage though, so here we go…

Mike and crewmember Frank putting lights on the tree..

Wreaths up…
Tree trimmed..
My favorite ornaments are those made by my kids
when they were little…
I always place small poinsettias at the kitchen window
A decked dog
…and Lots a lights

 I hope as the holiday season decends, we all find there is still peace on earth, helping hands when needed, and a bounty of good will . These are the gifts I would give every soul on the planet if only it were possible. The irony is, these things are free. We can give of them easily if only every one of us would try.    

Seasons Greetings, All –

26 thoughts on “Floored and Decked”

  1. The image of the man in the bucket of the machinery … nerves of steel, and total faith in the operator. The result is spectacular!

    Your house is a perfect Christmas family house.

    The poinsettias in your kitchen window remind me … step back and take a photo through your window and send it to me for my post next week.

  2. Karen, everything looks beautiful! I love the new fencing with the archway – it's stunning! The pup looks adorable too!

    I was wondering about your tree, is it artificial? I happen to like artificial trees, mine got ruined just before Christmas last season and I ordered a fancy schmancy one that lasted all of a week before half of the middle went out!

  3. Your such a great person always thinking of other people !!! Wow I love your decorations it looks so good! Have a great day

  4. Your house looks very beautiful… and I am praying daily for those poor folks whose lives have been pulled asunder this year… affecting them for years to come.

  5. Your house looks very beautiful… and I am praying daily for those poor folks whose lives have been pulled asunder this year… affecting them for years to come.

  6. Your house is so beautiful for the holidays, it inspires me to do just a little more here.
    I cannot imagine being without a home for the holidays. It is very sad and I hope things turn around for those people soon.

  7. i am so sorry that there is not more assistance readily available for them. the red cross is usually so good. fema is more for monetary assistance after the fact, but typically supports the red cross w/ water, emergency food, etc.

  8. What's up with the Red Cross not doing what they are supposed to do with all the money people donate to them? I think we need some new and trustworthy organizations in this country that can be counted upon to truly help people in times of disaster. *shakes her head*

  9. So that's how you get the lights on that big tree! Lookin' very festive This Old House! I need to get going on my holiday decorations…

    I love how Frasier sneaks in to all of your pictures…Ella on the other hand runs the other way when I have a camera!

  10. We grow more appreciative when we see the wreckage of disaster strewn about in our neighboring towns. It haunts us but also truly makes us thankful for our own. I have been in the process of decluttering and truly asking myself what I need versus how badly might someone else really need…

    You do holidays so festively- I am hopeful to get a start on it today 🙂

  11. Just elegant and simple decorations! I LOVE the last picture of your home with the lighted outdoor trees. Your Christmas tree is just beautiful!

  12. I always love your perspective and outlook on things. You are a wonderful woman! Your home is gorgeous! I love the snow shot! So beautiful!!

  13. Blessing to you and your family this holiday season. I hope your Aunt makes a full recovery.


  14. Karen, your home looks beautiful and ready for Christmas.
    As to Staten Island and no help…is all the help going to Long Island and Jersey shore? I do agree…bring in the military reserves and National Guard…let them help and gain valuable experience at the same time.

  15. Believe it or not, the lights and Christmas decorations may even lighten up those that are dealing with hard times right now. That would be fun, go down there with strands of Christmas lights, and light up the streets for those folks.

  16. Karen- Every single thing look beautiful. I don't even know where to start but I will end with that last picture which just takes my breath away- xo Diana

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