For Lynn

 Ben turned  One Year Old  yesterday!  Because I  stupidly, rashly,  deleted my original blog,  you don’t have the old archives and Ben’s year-long ginormous growth history.  So I’ll recap here…  and let me tell you, Great Danes are an awesome family dog, love love love this guy.  Easiest dog I ever had to housetrain.   You just have to wrap your mind around the idea of having a small horse in the house.  Mike’s mind is not completely  warped wrapped yet.  He hasn’t made peace with the idea of the folding chairs as toss-around dog toys either.   We’re working on it, right Ben?

5 thoughts on “For Lynn”

  1. Awwww, I love him… We have 2 large dogs and they are just the world to us since we are empty nesters. Tons of work keeping the house clean, but dang I love my pups.

    I can see the love in Ben's eyes.


  2. So funny Karen! My dog is not nearly as large (75 pound AmStaff), but we recently found a smallish table from the firepit area tossed around and chewed. Oh dear.

    Your doggy is so darling.

  3. My son had two of these dogs. They take up more room than people. Then again, you will have a house big enough for the whole family… dog/horse included. He's a beauty!

  4. Wow, he's a beautiful-big-boy now! I remember passing by a neighbor on my run time and she had 2 Great Dane's and I used to be in awe of their size!! I recall standing next to them, and me being only 5 feet, well, they were gigantic!!! Thanks for sharing him…Happy b-day Ben!

  5. Well, there you are! I hunted high and low for you—–for weeks!
    I even emailed a few bloggers and asked, "what happened to Karen?" I was darn worried!

    Happy to see you are back!
    Happy Birthday, Ben!

    xo, misha

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