Fresh Air

       While it’s still definitely winter ’round these parts, and I’m about to trudge out into my “morning commute” in hat gloves, two jackets and boots to prove it,  I’ve been freshening things up inside Gracie (this old house). I asked my mom yesterday whether it was too soon to put out the Spring Things – and she said “no, I’ve put away winter already, it gets old, dull”.  
       So I did just that – and  then drove to the nearest crafts store – which is Joann’s Fabrics.  Their Spring Things are already 40-50 percent off, so I decided to make a few wreaths for the front double door, and I scored a few ready-made wreaths for my mom and I, too.  (Because MOMs… you only get one, and mine is my very best friend).  

 I’ll share the finished product when done. 
My ready-wreath find… 
 Last week we repainted the bedroom –  it used to be a celery green.
Now, what Benjamin Moore calls Cake Batter, a soft buttery off white. 
I replaced the bedding too – going for a very neutral look
Belgian Flax Linens – a combo from Pottery Barn and Pine Cone Hill
The lamps replaced a few we’ve had for many years,
now living in the dining room.
Hard to see in this photo, but they are glass wrapped in a light
 black chicken wire.  Inexpensive finds at HomeGoods, 
and I love them. 
The drapes – Restoration Hardware – also belgian linen, lined, 
Keep heat in and cold out,  but they
do let some light in, which is what I was looking for. 
They are an investment, I usually go with cheap curtains,
but they’ll last if cared for properly. 
 Frasier approves. 
 The painting above the bed I found last week browsing a nearby antiques mall. 
It is an original painting by  Robert C. Benham…
a New England artist in the early to mid 1900’s. 
His paintings usually go for around $300-$400 if you find one,
and this was leaning against other stuff on the floor, dirty, with a chippy frame.
I love chippy frames – and the grime comes off with a good
careful  wiping down… 
So I offered $170, and the offer was accepted. 
These bits of paper are taped on the back. 
The painting depicts
“Trail to Burnt Head”  – which is located in Maine. 
      So, while Gracie is sporting a little Spring Bling inside… outside is quite a different story…  The view out my kitchen sliders below…. 
        And if you peer out my kitchen sink window,  my favorite doves are giving me that look –  “What’s wrong with this picture, Karen.  Seed’s awful low”. 
Notice the maple syrup collecting bag and buckets are empty right now… in order for sap to run, we must have cold temps over night, warming up during the day. If  temps remain cold, the sap remains dormant. 

So up to the barn I go, to tend these family members…
Coady is sporting new shoes –  his soft ride gel boots, which
help him  be more comfortable with a condition he’s had for years –
 Cushings Disease with a side of laminitis flare up caused by it. 

   The girls hunting for tidbits in a fresh little hay pile. 

 Just one more thing… 
Have you seen the movie – A Star is Born – with Bradley Cooper and Lada Gaga yet? If not, you must –  WOW, do they have chemistry and talent.  And I’ll warn you – it is indeed a tear jerker.  When she first made the scene, I didn’t like her.  Meat dresses?  Condom costumes?  But.. as she grew into who we came to know, she is truly a decent, caring, honest soul, a real talent on multiple levels.  She’s a song writer, a singer, a philanthropist, she’s an encourager, not a breaker-down. (those are real words here anyway…lol).  
Wishing you all a good day – 
and thank you for stopping by