Fresh Hell

      This new administration is like a bad accident… you try to look away but it’s so horrifying you just can’t, despite knowing the looking is going to horrify you even more.  Some things can’t be unseen.  So many things we could chat about today but how about those ignorant remarks by Spicey about H*tler and the H*locaust!!? WTF….  these are things we all learned in fifth grade, dude!
You know, you had someone as despicable as H*tler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons….. “

  ….and it gets worse… he referred to the concentration camps as…. H*olocaust Centers. 
  ….during Passover….  
     Someone escort that man over to the H*olocaust Museum a few blocks away from his office, and maybe give him a copy of the Diary of Anne Frank and Schindlers list for his nightstand.  He could watch the movie to get the short story if reading is too difficult a task. 
          My God, could he be any more out of touch with reality.  That sentence can’t even end with a question mark because we all know the answer.  I’m surprised he has not been fired yet – so incompetent – doesn’t have the temperament or the intelligence or the class or the EMPATHY apparently.. to hold that position. 
    OH, please, Melissa McCarthy, come back as Spicey for just one more skit.  This is too much to handle without you. I need a good laugh.  We all need the underscore for what that man really is… a joke. 
     Meanwhile.. over in N. Korea, Russia, China, Syria, the Tr*mp golf course at Mar-A-L*go…..

If you really want to get crazy – read the transcript of the Orange Scream’s  interview with Fox HERE…    
