Frozen Cove

 We had two days of 50’s temps and pouring rain for one of them, much of the previous storm’s snow gone.  It was practically Tee shirt weather, I’m tellin ya!  Today.. however.. we woke up to temps in the 40’s… now dipping down and shall reach the teens again. 
   The Mr. and I drove down to Stella, our cottage-by-the-sea, with the intention of getting a walk in around the island.  When we got there, however, the wind and cold changed our minds. I did walk around with my camera to capture the beauty of this frozen world at water’s edge. 

 Where the water was exposed, the sun’s reflections danced like diamonds… this is not edited.. see the shapes of the sunlight on the water….  it was amazing to behold.

    To give you a sense of the scope of the place… that’s me with camera out there on the little jetty off the swimming beach.  Those large chunks of ice rise and fall with the tide and current and incoming waves,  staying together in their jigsaw puzzle formation as they shift and bobble in the surf.  Occasionally there’s a large cracking sound, so deep and loud even my half-deaf self can hear it.   Truly peaceful out there today, silent but for those sounds – I breathed deep, let the cold salty air fill my lungs and let the tide of  anger and fear for our Country leave me with every exhale.

 Till soon, friends….