Gator Love

 We’ve had the gator for about six years now, and it’s been a Godsend around the farm(s).  I use it for all manner of manure removal and it’s also used for firewood, sand and dirt moving, rock picking, tour giving and vegetable picking, brush clearing, etc. etc.  Who woulda thunk I’d be so enamored with a John Deere product.  It’s a glamorous life, I tell ya….

 The chickens are always curious…
Whatcha got?  …Treats? Ooh  NOoo, something different?

 I haven’t finished mucking out their coop yet and they’re inside inspecting.

 This is Rose, my favorite chicken girl.  She is a buff orpington and very friendly.

  The chickens all seem to want to use the same nest box…even though there are six.
After coop is clean, I head up to the barn to muck stalls…

Coady and Lacey are staring at me… wondering when it will be their turn
to go out in the pasture for some grass.
With minis you have to be very careful not to overfeed them,
even on pasture.. because they gain weight easily and can also founder as a result.
I think we’re in for a long snowy winter… look at their coats already.
  Heading up the lane to the back fields and woods where I have a dump area for manure.
It has a dump body, how cool is that?!….
On the way back down the lane I bring the big boys in from the field
and let the minis have some grass…
They know when I summon Opie and Max in,
they will get their turn, so they wait by the gate, nickering.
And out they go ….
It’s mud season here… ground not yet frozen and plenty of rain and snow lately
to muddy up the place.  And the horses.

The pumpkins are done.  

They’ve been melting on my stoops and doorframes…

Besides pumpkin erradication, the Gator is also great for property inspection…

  John Deere has not paid me to say this.
I do love my Gator.
It’s got the versatility you sort of hope for in a husband.  Really.

21 thoughts on “Gator Love”

  1. Your place is just gorgeous and I am sure a source of constant pleasure to you. I love the pictures of all your horses and chickens. Your minis are just too cute.

  2. I LOVE Gators, but sadly I don't have one. My horse trainer finally wore hers out and recently got a new one. Love it! We call our chickens The Inspectors because they come around with every job and make sure everything is in its proper place.
    Your property is so pretty!

  3. A versatile husband. I need one. Mine spends all his time at work and they are sucking the life out of him! Maybe I need a Gator.

    Love that pumpkin splat and the chickens are gorgeous, for chickens.

    After all the "manure" (see how nice I was, so unlike me, huh) these past two weekends, I may need to dump in your pile!

  4. I love farm equipment! I'd certainly have a gator if we had the need. We just have a very small trailer behind our JD lawn tractor and so far it's been all we need. But we only have dogs… no need for mucking there. 🙂

  5. I have a John Deere lawn tractor that I am deeply in love with so I understand your affection for your Gator! 🙂

    I love your minis! The big guy rolling around made me laugh.

    You have a beautiful place. All of your hard work shows.

  6. Being English, and not familiar with Gators, I read the title of this post and was thinking, this crazy lady has a pet alligator! I was pleased to see I was mistaken. Great post with some lovely pictures.

  7. So beautiful, love your photo's. It's just magnificant, Karen!! I know you have a lot of work to do, but you do it so well.

    I love riding a Gator when I go over home. 🙂

  8. Gotta love a gator like that! I thought you were talking about the old big-mouth gators…or the FL 'Gators…glad to see it was a tractor GATOR! xo Diana

  9. my sister and her hubby have a gator for their 40 acres and i have to tell you, they love their gator, too….i bet there's lots of us out there that wish we had been the inventors for such a great thing 🙂

  10. I am in love with our Gator, too!
    It's rough and tumble and can take a good beating and keeps on going 🙂
    And the dump bed is the best ever!!!
    After riding in ours, my Aunt and Uncle purchased one for their mountain property to cruise around in. Raleigh, their Golden, sits in back and sniffs the air!!
    Zeke is petrified of riding in ours!

    I just wish I could drive
    it to town 🙂

    Cadence loves to roll in his sheet also. I just gave up and let him roll au natural!
    Hope your weekend was great, Karen!!

  11. my wife says I can have a gator when she can get a mini horse!!!!! I love john deere products I was on my mower all day today I love having such a big yard untill the leaves start falling

  12. My husband feels that we need one. We don't even have half an acre!! He would be so jealous of yours! I love all your babies. Ok. well, the chickens sort of freak me out a little bit. They always look so mad, but your minis and horses. Oh my heart be still…

    Umm.. those are some winter coats they are sporting! You better batten down the hatches!!!

  13. I would LOVE a Gator – our neighbor has one and has let me borrow it – it sure comes in handy. I know myself too well though – I'd have it parked by thte back door and I'd start driving it to the clotheline and chicken coop. : -)

  14. I love the way you describe your Minis… you could be describing me lately! Hope to see you at my open studio on Nov 19th or 20th at the Guilford Art Center. I have a Blue Heron with your name on it… ;-).

  15. I couldn't live without my gator!! (Just sayin!) I have to say, your mini's are chubbins just like mine!! And ours are wooly, now, too….winter's coming! So cute…loved seeing yours.

    Have a great day,

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