Getting it right… again.

     I fell off the healthy eating and regular exercise wagon a few months back for no good reason at all, to be truthful. However, a new year always seems like a good time to kickstart the good intentions and make them realities. That’s just what the Mr. and I are doing.
    I’m back to daily walking and a simple 20 minute yoga routine 3 or 4 times a week . Today was glorious at the beach…

   My yogi friend Lynn clued me in to healthy shakes/smoothies and her new love – the Vitamix.  I wanted to fall in love with the Vitamix too, for all those luscious, antioxidant rich powerhouse shakes it could provide me in my quest for a healthier body.  When I saw the price tag, however, the thrill was gone.   Holy crow, is ANY mixer really worth $500????   I said that very thing to the store clerk this morning and she laughed… and repeated the mantra I’ve read on many reviews… “Oh, but it’s sooo worth every penny”.    Maybe it’s true, but I still just couldn’t bring myself to do it.   I opted for a Cuisinart model that the clerk said would be almost as good as the Vitamix.  Good enough for me.

  I was so excited, I came home and made my first green smoothie…. 2 handfuls baby spinach leaves, pear juice,  half of an apple, fresh parsley, a banana and a cup of water. It was delicious, I kid you not.  I probably should have blended it for 30 more seconds, but I don’t mind this consistency at all.

   Lynn also sent me a link to Prevention Magazine’s list of healthy shakes, and they all look beautiful, don’t they?  Click on link below if you are interested in the ingredients.

This is the Crazy Sexy Goddess –
(somehow I don’t think it can do that for me)

avocado, banana,
 blueberry, cucumber, kale or romaine, coconut water

Blueberry Ginger
almond milk, blueberries,banana, ginger

The Cranberry Cleanser
 cranberries, celery, cucumber, apple, pear, spinach.

So, back to the resolution I’ve come to year and year again…
My hope is that in 2013 I stick with all the good eating and exercise
I initiate, and then some.

Have you made changes for the better to your diet and exercise routine
over the years that you know have really had a positive effect on you mentally and physically?
If so, share them in the comments section.

18 thoughts on “Getting it right… again.”

  1. That second photo looks like an egg yolk and I LOVE the last one, with the foam and year!

    When hubby retires, I hope there are a lot of changes around here. We'll see how that goes.

  2. Yes I have to say I am in love with my Vitamix!! Always wanted one but they are wicked expensive. Best Christmas gift ever! It's replaced my mixer, food processor and blender. I use it daily sometimes twice! Also a great way to get lots of greens into your diet. Good for you and the Mr. for getting back on track. Cheers to good health!

  3. ah, good for you! my sis loves her shakes – and was doing a whole lot with spinach. then just found out she inherited our father's gout and spinach irritates that!

  4. No resolutions here … too frustrating when I ignore them. Still wearing the few extra pounds, too. Discovered today that Ruby can keep quite a pace while on a walk, so I think I found my motivation. She needs to lose a bit, and perhaps I will, too. Once my ankle and knee heal (took a spill on ice last week), I think we will break out the walking shoes and hit the park trails. It's not the beach, but some of us have to make do.

  5. Hope you use your kitchen "helper". I don't blame you fo opting for a less expensive model. If you use it faithfully every day for a year maybe it will be worth it to pop for the next step up…maybe not. I am working on my food plan again, too- xo Diana

  6. I'm back to my carbless/sugarless/boozeless/high good fat/moderate protein eating. The green drink is flowing again and the first 4 pounds of holiday bloat fell off in 3 days. 6 more bad pounds to scrape off the body. I love this way of eating. I get to eat lots of yummy cheese! The smoothies? Not so much. It's a texture thang. Plus I eat very little fruit and lord knows a smoothie needs fruit! (or ice cream – lol!)

    I am in the market for a new food processor and am considering a Vitamix but Lynn will need to give me a demo before I shell out those kind of dollars. My food processor did so much for me. It broke around Thanksgiving and I miss it every day.

    Anyway – here's to a great and healthy 2013!

  7. I always love the idea of a shake or smoothie and bought a smoothie maker a couple of years ago. But for some reason, I gulp it down and still feel like I'm hungry for a snack so it ends up being extra calories. I should try again! lol I don't eat sugar and eat less bread…and only whole grains. That seems to keep my weight about the same all the time…hallelujah! lol Sweet hugs!

  8. The Vitamix is a great machine, I just don't think it's worth $500. I've been successful in making juices/smoothies from my regular blender. When making the juices though I add the greens and other fruit/veggies a little at a time just so they all get blended well.
    Congratulations on making the shift back to healthful eating and yoga. Love how yoga makes me feel after I'm done. Wouldn't mind doing a yoga session on that beach either.

    Happy New Year.


  9. I fall off the bandwagon all the time! I do try to do better, but I have no motivation at all! I have never been big on the smoothie drinks. I should though as I know they are so good for you, but I can't get over the green color!

  10. yeah, it might be worth $500 if you had an extra $500 but that's not happening around here.
    I'm doing what I've always done… trying to exercise each week and eat nutritious foods and meals. when I menu plan, that helps a lot and my lawyer made a smoked turkey breast for me and that's been a treat.

  11. Well, hells bells! Now I know what Vitamix is; have been seeing it mentioned and thought it was a vitamin mix! DUH!!!!!

    Good for you & hubby. The one thing I miss since moving is the great walking places. Here? Not so much. I need to start again though soon when things settle down. That may be never. LOL


  12. thanks for the inspiration….the hubby has been on vacation for two weeks, so tomorrow is OUR day to be "good" with what we do with our bodies for the new year !!

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