
   This is my breakfast on this chilly fall morning…
A healthy bowl of oatmeal, berries and honey (just add hot water )…

 I remind myself now and again that not all have the many choices I take for granted, something simple like fresh berries in the fridge to throw over oatmeal stocked in the pantry.  Dog food under the sink for four dogs that I can afford to feed.  A family to nurture and care for (and swat and yell at when they get out of hand 🙂 Horses and chickens up on the hill that.. yes… have to be fed come rain or shine,  and their bedding mucked out and water buckets dumped and refilled, etc. etc… but it’s my choice to add these chores to my day, because I love my critters. Choice… it’s truly a gift.

Their after- breakfast ritual.

Speaking of gifts.. I received these in the mail yesterday from a dear friend who I met years ago now in blogland when I stumbled across her blog while doing a Martha’s Vineyard search.  Joan, thank you so much for such a thoughtful “play” on our shared obsession and love for Martha’s Vineyard.

Recently I admired a fellow bloggers craft skills and particularly coveted
a pair of mice.  Guess what arrived in the mail soon after…
Diane is one of the most cheerful, upbeat people you could ever be lucky enough to know…
She lives in Florida and  I’m pretty sure -sunny disposition- is her middle name. 
Thank you, Diane

  The manchild has a new girlfriend and from what I hear from others, she is a lovely young woman.  So far, all I have to go by is this photograph and the perpetual smile he’s got on his face –  This child of mine tends to hold emotions close to the vest..doesn’t share much and I guess that might be typical of the age.  That smile, though, gives it all away 🙂    Another gift.
We’ve got the gift of a Dog Days Adoption Event coming up this weekend,
set up starts tonight  – let’s hope we find the gift of 100 homes for 100 shelter dogs – 
It’s a new day all –  you know the drill.