
 Oh, what a beautiful morning.. .oh what a beautiful day….

Seriously, we’ve had some incredible weather this weekend, and we took full advantage by cleaning up and planting and mucking and brushing horses and walking and talking, etc…

My son picked his favorite chick and has been spending quality time with her….


Driving down Route 1 Saturday night, we spotted this Cupola type vent at the thrift store and Mike is probably going back today to make an offer. This is the same place that I found my Mobo Bronco metal horse, and the man who runs the place isn’t big on -making a deal-. 

 The side porch has been scrubbed with bleach and Ben is happily sunning himself once again. Danes don’t have much of a coat, so the winter months are hard on a big boy like this… he’s had to be indoors most of the time this winter with brief runs out to the yard to do his business. 

I had forgotten all the bulbs we planted last fall around the fenceline in the backyard. They’re coming up in full force, atleast sixty or so tulips, should be a pretty show in a few weeks time.


I got the pansies I bought at Balleks last week in the ground and bought this blue ceramic birdbath for $35 at Ocean State Job lot.  It’s huge, a great  deal for such a big piece of pottery.  I’ve also cleaned up my “seaside real estate garden” and had to dig out some large clumps of grass that were threatening to take it over.
Once the perennials fill in, this  area will look much more abundant with blooms
and greenery.


 The zinnia seeds have sprouted, veggies still under the dirt.


Last summers geraniums have been brought out to the greenhouse after wintering on a sunny window sill inside….

 …and dear Opie was a bit incredulous yesterday as he realized he was going BACK TO WORK!  I’m not much of  a winter rider with the ground frozen hard and my tolerance for cold weather at ZERO once I’ve spent an hour mucking and breaking up ice buckets .  Indeed, I am a fair weather rider, and so Opie gets months of off-duty living.  Today he gets front shoes back on and we are set to go!   All of the horses are shedding their winter coats. Quite often I return from the barn wearing what they shed off. 

We’ve got some busy weeks ahead… an eighteen birthday,  Senior Prom, first horse show of the season for K and Max, Easter Dinner here at this old house with the extended family –
It’s all good –  and.. it’s a new day, people.  Make it a good one.