Good morning!

..and it is a glorious one here in New England.
I plan to enjoy it to the fullest…
a walk with one of the dogs in the State forest
to kick start my fitness project (that would be myself)
and later some pumpkin muffin baking with
The light was so beautiful as the mist burned off this morning
that once horses and chickens were fed I ran inside to grab my camera
  to capture some of the awesome glow.

The horses are still munching on crab apples off the old apple tree in their pasture…
and I take the extras out daily, fighting off the bees…
as we don’t want them to have too many.

New chicks and old are getting along fine…
Notice my year-olds look like a hot mess, being smack in the middle of their first “molt”.

This is Dorothy, currently outside the coop as punishment
this morning for mercilessly picking on the newbies.
I’d had enough of that crap and threw her featherless butt out for the morning.
She’s not quite sure what happened… I’m hoping it stirs up the pecking order some.

This look means:
Mom.. I ripped my new sheet already..and it’s been over a week.
Please get me a new one, my nails keep getting caught in the rip.
Love you lots though, really, BEN.

Have a great weekend, all – we’ve made a pact here at This Old House.  
WE… aren’t going to talk politics.
Ever again.

17 thoughts on “Good morning!”

  1. Looks like you're off to a perfect start of the day!!! LOVE the pics, specially the first two! Pumpkin recipes are my favorite thanks for sharing! Have a beautiful weekend…

  2. And good morning to you as well.
    The last warmish day for NJ and the northeast for awhle. I'm SO ready for turtlenecks and sweaters.
    In my opinion Autumn is just the most beautiful and most photographic season.
    Off to experience some of the New England foliage for a few day.
    You know where 🙂

  3. That's some pretty fabulous morning light you received today! Glad you took advantage and snapped some photos to share with us.

    Noooo, never discuss politics, even if you were on the same page regarding the candidates and the issues. Talk about muffin baking, chickens, kayaking, etc. MUCH safer subjects. LOL

  4. I'm feeling for you, Ben. My long fingernails always go through the bed sheets too. 🙂

  5. Beautiful beautiful photos!! It is too darn cold and windy here right now to go out and take pictures! I am freezing my hiney off! Poor Baby Ben! He didn't mean to do it Mom… really he didn't!

  6. Gorgeous photos! !!! Ben is freakin awesome oh ive said that before. Have a great weekend and im not talking politics either

  7. Yeah… right. (not talking about politics)

    Gorgeous photos. I really, really, really like the spider webs on the wagon wheel!

  8. You have a wealth of beauty to capture at your farm…I love coming here! Very funny about the chickens and Ben. Everything sounds very lively in your neck of the woods! 🙂


  9. Today was sunny and beautiful here as well; hoping for good weather this weekend.
    Karen, when I first glanced at the photo with the chickens, I thought it was a Santa in the middle. Sitting here laughing at myself…

  10. Gorgeous beautiful light! Looking wonderful on the farm:)

    Oh and I really need to kick start a fitness program for myself!

  11. Love it that Ben get's clean sheets on his giant dog bed. Really his king dog bed…! So many levels of awesome.

    So are your photos–breathtaking!

    Lastly, I laughed so hard about you shoving that chicken's butt outta the coop.

    Double lastly, American politics are fascinating. I can't imagine how you aren't going to be able to talk about it! Yet, peace in the home is an important plan.

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