Good morning…

It finally feels like fall around here..
this morning we woke to an almost frost..
The light is golden…

   The  delicious scent of  woodsmoke
rising from the neighbors chimney fills the air.

 My grandfather was a commercial photographer
with a studio in NYC.
He died when I was in my early twenties…
before I discovered the joy I would find in photography.

I have not forgotten to look for the color, Grandpa Al.
In all things.

34 thoughts on “Good morning…”

  1. Oh I want to breathe it all in! The smoke, the chill, the horse- love all of it! And Grandpa Al is no doubt very proud of the way you capture life through your lens!

  2. I like the photo of the wagon with the pumpkins and fog. Very nice. My grandpa trained horses and my grandma went everywhere with her Brownie camera. And here I am with a love of horses and photography. It's in the genes, I tell ya.

  3. karen,
    great photos !!!! I love the one of the neighbors house with the smoke and all make a it feel like fall! Have a great monday!!!

  4. Grandpa Al would be proud of ye. A gal who is good at all that she undertakes in life. 🙂

  5. I think your Grandpa is right there with you Karen, beautiful images! And just so you know, if you wake up one morning and your buckboard is missing, along with some bittersweet, please know that is wasn't me! 😉

    Kat 🙂

  6. Your grandfather certainly passed on his photographic talents to you. I love your pictures, especially the one of the wagon in the mist with the splash of orange pumpkins.

  7. Sitting here in Texas,with no sign of what we call fall,I could actually smell the woodstoves and feel the crisp air. Great. And that photo of the buggy with the smoke…thats a keeper.

  8. Definitely felt like Fall this morning…great photos…I miss my woodstove!!! We're on the hunt for a new one. Love that woodsmoke smell too!

  9. Oh your photos are gorgeous as always. So atmospheric. That wagon with the pumpkins and the smoke. Very Halloweeny 😉 And the colours of the leafs. Stunning Karen! I'm sure you're late grandfather is looking over your shoulder and very proud.

  10. Beautiful phots as usual. Now I know it's something you inherited.
    Lucky you! you have bittersweet. We do too, if the Blacksmith could just remember where it was in the woods that he saw it! MEN

  11. Beautiful pictures, Karen. I LOVE the header picture you have up.
    It is cold even down here (for this time of year) and I hear "up there" might even get a dusting of snow Thursday, and even more of a chance Saturday!
    Even down here I am thinking I will pull the last of my winter squash up and get them in, and dig the the last of the potatoes..and call it a season. (I still have lettuce in pots on the deck) are you ready for it? Winter that is..kind of early isn't it?

  12. A beautiful Fall sangria-I can just imagine it on a porch looking at the color. Perfect

    I added your blog to my blog-a while ago..(but haven't gotten around to mention it until now!) Any blog with Pasta in the name HAS to be good!

  13. No wonder you have the talent, it's in your blood! We are in for a good frost this week with temps dropping Wed. and Thurs. About normal for us.

  14. I LOVE your photography, Karen! You truly capture the extraordinary in the ordinary! That's when photography becomes ART! I don't have the gift, but I wish I did! Thanks for sharing your gift with us!

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