Good Mother

Momma Robin has been sitting on her nest…
Such a good mom 
with wings extended to protect her babies from the rain. 
Which continues. 
For the fifth day. 
Dear Mother Nature:
Really? after THAT winter??

Just sayin.

24 thoughts on “Good Mother”

  1. The sun finally came out yesterday for a few short hours, I'd almost forgotten what she looked like! I feel sorry for the poor little wild creatures…all except the deer, they are on my s~list right now for eating my hostas!

  2. It is so funny that I just read this post after I finished feeding the tiny bird that was blown out of it's nest during a storm at my BIL's! He is the sweetest little thing! Your pictures are just lovely. I love the rain shots!

  3. Whoa … that rain coming from the roof could have been my photo yesterday! Ugh! Love your mama Robin pics and the chance to get so close to the babies!

  4. We've had a full 5 days of sunshine now and i have the pink shoulders to prove it, but it is supposed to rain tomorrow and straight through the marathon planned this weekend and the baseball jamboree… we'll be joining you shortly πŸ™‚ Those birds are so tiny!

  5. So sweet! I just came in from admiring the new baby chick-a-dees that just took flight.
    Sorry you've had so much rain. I hope sunshine comes in the morning!

  6. Wow, your babies are growing, fast! We haven't had enough rain to cuss a cat, in about 3 months. Guess you and others are getting it.

  7. I am really rooting for those babies! They are really doing fantastic for starting off in such an unsafe place…

    I am so over this rain!!!

  8. Great picture of the babies. Boy are baby birds funny looking. πŸ™‚

    It's been pouring here for days. OMG, please tell me that it's going to stop at some point so I can get back outside???

    I hope your weather turns nice soon. Although all of that rain has to be helping your enormous garden!


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