Goodbye, Picnik


or those of us who have been hyperventilating

over the loss of our beloved PICNIK….
(ok, maybe that’s just me)
…I’ve got some happy news.
Brenda of A Cozy Little House
clued me in to Picmonkey.
Right now it’s free and you don’t even have to register.
SO easy to use. Really!
 If you’re into photo editing and dislike the technicalities of Photoshop…
this is a great alternative.

19 thoughts on “Goodbye, Picnik”

  1. Karen- I really need to start using something! I am going to check it out and see if it is something I can manage to learn how to use. Thanks-xo Diana

  2. Oh my heart be still. I have been hyperventilating since the announcement that picnic was closing. Invested in photoshop and an online class and have not gotten better far. My college age son has told me it is just too hard for me. haha. children! I immediately went to this new site and it is very comparable. What did you use on the photo of the flower? Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love it too Karen! The folks from Picnik are the same guys that are at PicMonkey!! Soooo happy! I am a huge Picnik fan and just haven't found anything else to compare.

  4. I use Photoshop, but I've been playing with PicMonkey for effects. I like it.

    I'm not sure how I missed the addition of the handsome Frasier to your household. What a face, and such a touching story. That little voice in your gut must have been screaming about this one. Congratulations on such a wonderful new friend. Frasier, you are one lucky pup!

  5. LOVE the photo's especially Kristen; she's such a sweetheart.

    I'll try that picmonkey thing, but you know as well as I do, I'd screw it up anyway. 🙂

  6. You beat me to it- I just discovered it this weekend- whew, no more mourning picnik 🙂 Those are great shots! It helps that you have an eye for photography in the first place!

  7. Thanks Karen! PicMonkey is so much fun! I just hope I have room in my hard drove to add it…my computer is getting pretty darn old and slow:(

  8. until pic monkey is just like picnik, i will continue to mourn…..LOL

    i use lightroom for everything, now….
    photoshop and i just never really like each other !!


  9. Kismet or just plain old good luck… I love you for sharing this! I've spent most of the day pouring over pic at Photobucket, Flickr and Facebook- making some extra headers and blog picture layouts in preparation for losing Picnik! I hear the Angels singing now….

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