Got Homes?

  Meet a few more of the dogs who will be at our
Dog Days Adoption Event this weekend 
 Bitsy – 3 year old chihuahua female
How cute is that face?!…
CJ – a mini australian shepherd, 5 years old, approx. 20 lb.
CJ was used in a puppy mill breeding program
and when the breeder was done with him, brought him to the pound
to be euthanized. He is a sweet and loving boy.
Dusty – a young Lhasa Apso mix
Jasper, a young boxer mix
Eloise, a rat terrier puppy.
All of these sweet faces were abandoned for one reason or another.
Most where on their way to the gas chamber.
Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and rescue groups,
they are on their way to Dog Days Adoption, and will
never face the chamber again.  If they don’t find forever homes
this weekend, they will be fostered until they do.
A big THANK YOU to all these rescue folks who work
tirelessly to save these dogs.
PS. for all of you who pray, send some our way so that
 hurricane  Irene doesn’t come to Connecticut.
oooooh boy.

20 thoughts on “Got Homes?”

  1. I don't think Irene has made up her mind quite yet as to who she will be visiting this week-end. Hope you are prepared just in case she comes a knocking. :-))

  2. Bad, bad Karen … don't tempt me with a Chihuahua. My husband's grandmother bred Chihuahuas and he has always had a soft spot in his heart for them. I would get no argument at all if I told him that I was coming to see you in CT to bring one home.

  3. They all look sweet, but I'm sweet on Dusty! I sure hope they all get good homes.

    Praying about Irene – take care, in case.

  4. Ahhhhh! I want to adopt them all! (Yet somehow my 3 fuzzy babies may protest!)Just look at their sweet faces! I will pray that they all find forever homes & that Irene is not as bad as they are saying.

  5. "CJ was used in a puppy mill breeding program and when the breeder was done with him, brought him to the pound
    to be euthanized."

    Most people don't realize that situations such as this occur every day. But it does. And every day brings more and loving animals to shelters, and THANKFULLY to rescue groups and the wonderful folks who volunteer for them.

    Good luck to all these dogs on finding forever homes with loving parents.

  6. They're all so adorable! Such a great thing you and your cohorts are doing! I'll be praying that Irene stays away and all these sweet doggies find awesome homes!

  7. I could take every single one of these home! Kaja wouldn't like it though as she is a solitary dog:)

    As of tonight Irene is heading right for the RI shoreline but the weathermen have often been wrong! Any chance of you having a rain date if needed?

  8. Love and prayers coming your way Karen! Trying to get a hold of my brother to ensure he is hurricane ready. Here we are supposed to get lots of rain and wind…be safe! I would like to take ALL those precious pups home!

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