So much awful news out there, but as I get older (and older) I’m trying to teach myself the necessary art of looking away. I really need to, because I literally feel every agony others are afflicted with, the unfairness of it all, the evils and utter bullshit of the world if I let myself dwell. And then the anger finds a home and settles. I’m airing it out and letting it go as often as I possibly can nowadays and it feels… freeing. Politics? Fuck’em. I’ll vote, but I’m staying out of the fray because it makes not one fuck of a difference whether I let it stir me up or I focus on more worthy endeavors – things that actually help others and myself. Onward.
The boy child is getting married in five weeks!! We’ve had fun helping the bride plan All The Things, the groom occasionally nods yes or no and made one phone call for party bus service and a trip to the tux rental with his buddies. The men have it so easy in this department, you know. We love our daughter in law to be, they’ve been together 8 or so years and she’s really been a part of our family for quite a while now. Cheers to many happy years!
It’s opening season for Stella by the Sea – the lawn has been mowed several times already, pots filled with geraniums, little garden plot has tomatoes, basil and parsley, bedding washed, pillows sunned/aired out, refridge restocked, floors washed, bathroom cleaned, windows cleaned – kayak back out on the wall – we’re ready! Why.. when we have a big vegetable garden at home, do we plant one at Stella?…. because it just always feels to me like a plot of soil needs a patch of garden, no matter how tiny. If I had an apartment in the city, I’d have plants in the windowsills. But my soul would wither there, I do believe.
Photo courtesy Ben Kuropat and his drone – he takes amazing photos of our cove. Out in the distance are the Thimble Islands – Stella is in the little heart outline.
The geese have been marching their babies up and down the cottage community road as they switch from the marsh to the cove, back and forth.
This year for the first time I have seen what appears to be a juvenile Lion’s mane jellyfish – a bit pale in color but behaving robustly, inspecting the oyster beds in front of Stella. Notice the much smaller variety in the bottom of the picture – there are many in the water this year.
Meanwhile, back on the farm – everything’s blooming! Have you found that all flowering things are extremely lush this year? The lilacs here in New England are absolutely beautiful. The wild violets carpet the forest floor, even the daffodils where planted seem to have multiplied heartily. Our garden up on the hill is planted – the Mr. went overboard with potatoes but.. plenty to give away, right? Every year we discuss shrinking the garden because it’s a lot of work and so much is given away. We shrink it initially – but somehow it balloons back out. This picture was taken last week. Since then, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, oregano have been planted where the ground is bare here and the leaves have unfurled more on the trees.
The goat girls, horses, chickens and dogs are thriving, all give us hours of work but definitely also the pleasures and therapy that only animals can bring to our lives. We nurture them, they nurture our souls.
Kai’s 1 year adoption day anniversary was May 15th – we’ve come a long way in that year. Kai has gotten me out on the trails again, getting great exercise and building a trusting relationship with him. He’s gone from practically feral to a wonderful companion – sleeps between the Mr. and I on the bed even – it’s all good. I find adopting rescues so very rewarding, even when initially very trying.
The girl child and her guy are enjoying their home nextdoor and we love having everyone on the outskirts of the farm. Chores are shared, meals are shared, garden produce and eggs distributed. We respect each other’s privacy and have managed not to get on each other’s last nerve, it’s truly a blessing. My son and fiance are just over the hill.
My newest painting on the easel is a simple thing, marbles in a mason jar on a window sill. Still much to get done here, what a lesson in patience this is. I’m learning as I go, and I make plenty of mistakes, but the therapy of art is a beautiful thing and doesn’t cost much at all. I’ve always loved marbles and glass in all it’s forms of art. I have an extensive glass art collection I’ll post one of these days.
Trying to slim down a bit for the gown I will wear to my son’s wedding, I’ve been making some lighter, healthier recipes lately. Here’s one that was a big hit, so delicious… give it a try if you like quiche – farm fresh eggs make it even better.

Ending this post with a few words of inspiration below – wishing you well, and thank you for stopping by my little corner of the world.
Till soon –
So happy to hear from you again and know all is well. I pick and choose my exposure to today’s happenings also. Take care.
How lovely to have a wedding to look forward to! Cool photo of the rooster and the lettuce. And I love your marbles in a mason jar painting!
A lovely post- just what I need at this late hour. I am wishing for the wedding of all your dreams- for the couple, and the families that love them. We were so blessed a year ago at my son’s wedding- I’m hoping theirs will be as joyous.
Your paintings are terrific- I envy your talents there- I’ve always wished I could paint but alas, the few talents I do have fell elsewhere.
As for the world- I’m clinging to a shredded blanket of hope.
What a terrific, newsy post! Oh, I’m so glad you have opened Stella. Tis the season. Rick opened our cottage last week (then the tornado blew through but fortunately missed us — the town itself was not so lucky). It’s still pretty chilly here — too much so to dare putting in plants up north, and even dicey here, though I probably will, maybe this weekend. Your son and his bride-to-be are a beautiful couple and i know it will be a lovely wedding. I so love it that you have your tribe close at hand! Ours seem so far.
The painting is lovely. When you wrote this: “the therapy of art is a beautiful thing and doesn’t cost much at all.” — I thought, yup. Spot on!
It’s been so long since I’ve even tried to blog or read. But I’m glad today to start here with you, as one of my favorite people evermore.
You stay so busy, Karen and I don’t know how you do it, but you do and lovingly. Things are really hopping for you guys; I know the wedding will be beautiful, and the cottage being brought back for the season. How wonderful on all counts. 🙂
This world? Yes, something new every day and the ‘killing’ of young people breaks my heart. I cannot imagine the parents and how they will be able to cope. 🙁
Looking forward to some pics from the wedding. xoxo