The Graduate

Words failing me as I try to describe
the pride I feel for this young woman before me.
She is…..
first..a walking miracle.
Courageous. Determined.  Strong beyond strong.
Conscientious. Thoughtful.  A Joy to her family…  
…A Graduate, with honors.
Proud.. we are. Beyond measure.
Grateful, too….

 Trying it on….


Her favorite Academic Advisor…Mr. G.

Family… at Water Edge after.


My Aunt and my sister Sue…. 
you’re amazed at how much we look alike, aren’t ya.
She’s my BFF.

Mom and cousin Andy and a much deserved Irish Coffee…

Now here’s where you come in….
In the comments section, leave one piece of Life advice you would give this
brand new college graduate… something you wish your 22 year old self knew
back in the day… or something you’ve learned along the way that you know to be true,
that we each should know for sure.

41 thoughts on “The Graduate”

  1. Beautiful girl. You must be proud over the moon!

    Best advice: Do what you LOVE, and love what you do. And truly, you will never work a day in your life.

  2. First, congratulations on graduating.

    2nd. I was the most awkward 22 year old ever, so I have lots of advice..
    The main thing is to surround yourself with people and activities that build your confidence. I used to pray my kids found good jobs, had nice friends, found true love etc…now I pray for them to have confidence…and that will be the foundation for all the other things…confidence to try new things, confidence to NOT allow someone to treat you badly, Confidence to be yourself and define your own voice.

    Also…don;t worry…it wastes time and depletes your energy..set aside a period of time each day to think and work through trouble spots and move on..

    Speak kindly….as much as an initial thought can be mean, turn it around to be positive…don;t be gossipy, spread love not nastiness.

    Treasure family…they are the ones there no matter what..

    Read the book, The Richest Man in Babylon and follow the advice. Spend less, save more…

    Try something new every day….

    Treat your spouse/partner as your beloved…if your main relationship is happy, your kids will be happy, home happy etc…long after the kids go out on their own, your partner and you are left so work on keeping it good.

    Smell a dog's smells like fresh mowed will make you smile every day.

    I could go on and on……to know then what I know now.

  3. I absolutely LOVE these photos. Looks like a perfect day for the entire family and I feel the beam of joy coming from your words.

    Congratulations for a job well done by both mom and daughter!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Congratulations to all of you! My advice is always remember your self worth it will help you make important decisions,see you through tough times and will help keep you happy.


  5. Congratulations!
    My advice is to go after what your heart desires…never settle because you are afraid..your 20's will soon be your 40's and time goes so fast.
    Happy Mothers Day Karen.
    Kim 🙂

  6. Congratulations to your daughter and to the family as well.
    I agree with what Hilary said. Follow your passion and your heart and you'll be happy.
    My granddaughter is graduating from college today.

  7. Congratulations to your daughter!!!! What a great day for her and your family.

    Life is a series of twists and turns, some planned and others unexpected. ALWAYS seek happiness and peace in your soul through good times and "not so good" times. Enjoy the ride:-)

  8. Congrats to Kristen and to all of you…such beautiful photographs!

    I say, "follow your bliss" and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.” -Joseph Campbell

    XX, Lynn

  9. How wonderful…a joyous celebration! And my advice…don't get in a hurry to have it all…work hard and let things come as they may. Keep life simple for as long as you can! And HAVE FUN!

  10. Beautiful photos of family and love here, Karen. So glad for you and your beautiful daughter!
    Something I wish I knew when I was 22 was not to settle for someone, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

  11. That beautiful girl truly is a miracle. I'm proud of Kristen for accomplishing such a wonderful goal.

    I have to agree with Country Girl, don't settle for just anyone; be sure you know his heart. 🙂

    Congratulations to you and Mike, Karen for raising wonderful children; Happy Mother's Day to you.

  12. Congratulations!!!

    Every bit of advice shared thus far is priceless.

    I would add that life's journey is about discovery. Learning and gaining life experience. If you have the option, I encourage you to travel the world and work and volunteer abroad. Learn new languages is a bonus. Understanding how the rest of world lives is enriching beyond dollars and cents.


  13. Oh my god! What a beautiful woman and a glorious day! Congratulations Kristen. You are truly a hero. I love to be in your company. Continue to be kind, grateful and happy. People will choose to be with you with that personality. Hope to see you soon. xo Dawn Hynes

  14. Say 'yes' to God and then hang on. You'll go farther, and further, than you could ever dare dream!
    Congratulations on a wonderful milestone; God bless you.

  15. When you are young, you forget to stop and smell the roses. I tell my daughters this often. It's important to do this. We never know how long we'll be on this earth. It's very important that we slow down and give them a sniff or two. It is our gift to ourselves.

  16. Congratulations to all of you!! I think you portrayed quite grandly what I'd tell you- find a little something to celebrate EVERY day. And then do it up big like you all did on the really big days 🙂 She looks stunning- and yes you two look a lot alike!

  17. Congratulations!!! Coincidence my daughter just graduated this past Thursday so I feel your…proudness?
    Way to go!
    Advice, easy one. Choose to work in a field you enjoy. It's not all about the money. If you wake up every day and look forward to going to work, than you are very very lucky. The best of luck to your daughter.

  18. She is a gorgeous girl…as is your whole family.

    I guess my best advice is to do something that you LOVE to do- even if it means making less money, or is missing some perks-because then you will be happy inside and that makes lie worth living. xo Diana

  19. Love like you've never been hurt,
    Work like you don't need the money
    Dance like no one is watching.

  20. Congratulations to the big girl!!! I know you are so so proud!

    I know this sounds so silly, but I have had single girlfriends ask me how to know if the man they are with is the right one, I always say, "If you want to wake up every morning, roll over and see his face… he is the one." It is simple and maybe silly, but I have had so many girls tell me they listened and it made a difference!

  21. Congratulations!

    Here is advice my own momma gave me when I was a wee young un:

    Use moisturizer; you won't always be 22.

    Sounds like everyone else covered everything else!

    smooches and seriously, this is the most awesome and best.

  22. Congratulations!

    My advice, whatever job you get, give it your all, positive attitude! First you will enjoy it, there is always something good in everything, and people will remember that positiveness, you never know who is around watching, opportunities are everywhere. My father always told me, "Your attitude is the only thing you have 100% control over". Life is like stepping stones, they lead you to who you will be at the end of the path, make the best of the journey!

  23. Congrats!!!
    My advice is to ask the questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help, to ask for the raise, to ask for the date. you'll never know if you don't ask.

  24. So proud of her! Please give her a kiss for us! Love the photo of you two & the whole family, I wish I had a sister as close as you both are. ((hugs)) Miracles happen!

  25. What a wonderful accomplishment … for ALL of you.

    My advice: Listen to your mother! No matter what the situation or dilemma, she has probably been there/done that, and she can save you a lot of wasted time, heartache, and trouble.

    I love seeing your family.

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